
Shows how interventions targeting gratitude, kindness, character strengths, optimistic thinking, hope, and healthy relationships can contribute to improved academic and social outcomes, and includes a 10-session manual for promoting subjective well-being that can be implemented with individuals, small groups, or whole classes.

Offers effective assessment strategies for improving mental and behavioral health decision-making within multi-tiered systems of support. Specific tools and recommendations for universal screening, problem analysis, and progress monitoring procedures offer a fresh, real-world approach to data-driven implementation of supports across schools

Comprehensive collection of evidence-based strategies for addressing student behavior in the classroom and other school settings within a multi-tiered system of support. Aligned to cover material on the Behavior Analysis Certification Board task list.

Examines current trends and practices in social skills instruction for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), focusing on empirical support of current practicesIt details key practices that may be implemented as social skills teaching strategies as well as the theoretical underpinnings of the teaching strategies, relevant empirical support, and a guide to utilization supported by the empirical evaluations.

Provides an alternative, dual-factor model of student mental health that integrates wellness and pathology into a single multi-tier system of mental health support. Explains how to deliver school mental health services using a dual-factor model of mental health focusing on practices that promote the psychological well-being of ALL students.

Explores positive psychology’s ongoing influence and advances on prevention, intervention, and assessment practices in schools and the latest global research identifying fundamental assets—hope, optimism, gratitude, self-efficacy, emotional regulation, among others—that support students’ learning and well-being.