Our Services

Provide technical assistance and professional development on school-based mental health assessment and intervention.
- Presentations at professional conferences.
- Professional development for school personnel and school-based mental health service providers.
- Suicide prevention training for community mental health providers and school staff.

Develop tools, resources, and guidance that helps educators and parents promote the mental health of children and adolescents.
- Multi-informant and multi-data source assessment system to identify social and behavioral health needs of middle school students.
- Survey of resiliency and behavioral health of high school students and resiliency resources for teachers, students, and parents.
- Practice-Based Coaching Manual for School-Based Threat Assessment Teams.

Facilitate program evaluations for school-based mental health.
- Threat assessment practices and data management to support implementation of a threat assessment model.
- Impact of well-being promotion program on student outcomes.
- Resiliency and behavioral health characteristics of high school students.

Conduct research that informs policy and practice related to the social, emotional, and behavioral success of all students
- Efficacy, fidelity, feasibility, acceptability of implementation and training, and cost-effectiveness of a well-being intervention.
- Cross-validation of a multi-informant/multi-data system in Florida and Wisconsin.
- Collection of data to inform and implement a coaching model for school-based threat assessment teams
Continuing Education for Licensed Behavioral and Mental Health Professionals
The School Mental Health Collaborative is an Approved Provider of continuing education for the following: Florida Office of School Psychology; Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, And Mental Health Counseling; and Florida Board of Psychology (CE Provider # 50-39428); the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP #1163); and the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (#OP-23-10178).