Upward Bound


Thank you for considering applying to Upward Bound. At this time we are accepting applications for the 2025-2026 academic year. Please review program eligibility before you complete the online application and submit financial documentation.

Program Eligibility

Eligibility requirements for the Upward Bound Program and Upward Bound Math & Science Program.

Upward Bound Program (UBP) Application

UBP serves Armwood, Blake, Chamberlain, Hillsborough, King, and Middleton high schools. Please complete the required forms of the UBP application. Refer to the checklist below to ensure that all requirements are met so that your application can be reviewed.

Upward Bound Math-Science (UBMS) Application

UBMS serves Brandon, Jefferson, and Leto High Schools. We are not currently accepting applications for Upward Bound Math & Science Program.


    All items listed on the checklist must be turned in before an application can be evaluated. A tax return is needed to verify income. Parent/guardians who did not file a tax return last year must fill out the form on the right and submit documentation of all sources of income.