Resources, Policies & Forms

Post-Tenure Review


The 2022 Florida Legislature amended Florida Statutes Section 1001.706 authorizing the BOG to adopt a post-tenure review regulation. The BOG, in turn, adopted requiring SUS institutions with tenured faculty to adopt a post-tenure review process by October 16, 2023.  In response, USF has developed a that was approved by the Board of Trustees on August 22nd, 2023.

Procedure for Post-Tenure Review Development

Provost Mohapatra constituted a 12-member on May 4th, 2023, which included administrative and faculty representation from across all campuses at USF including USF Health. The Workgroup was charged with developing regulations and procedures for an effective post-tenure review process at USF and met nearly weekly during the months of May and June to fulfill the charge and presented the draft regulation to the Provost on July 6th.  

Instrumental in this process was the valuable input provided by Internal Audit, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, the Council of Deans, and the Office of General Counsel.


The developed for post-tenure review have been foundational to this process. 

Selection of Faculty for Post-Tenure Review

The selection of faculty for Post-Tenure Review at USF for the 2024-2025 cycle is in progress. The will be continually updated as the process continues.

The process for selection will follow the same steps outlined below from the 2023-2024 cycle. The dates and details will be updated once selection is completed.

Process for selecting faculty for Post-Tenure Review (PTR) at USF for the 2023-2024 cycle

1. On August 22nd, 2023, the Office of Decision Support compiled a list of tenured faculty at USF across all campuses including USF health. The list included tenure date, most recent hire date, most recent promotion date, and relevant administrative appointment dates.

2. Tenured faculty on the list were then classified as:

- 鈥淩equired Cohort鈥: those with 5 years following their last comprehensive review
or 5 years following the end of an administrative appointment.

- 鈥淓xcluded鈥: those with less than 5 years since their last comprehensive review or 
administrative appointment.

- "Eligible鈥: those who had more than 5 years following their last comprehensive 
review and who were not otherwise excluded were considered eligible for 
random selection for post-tenure review.

3. The Provost鈥檚 Office organized the list and between August 22nd and September 14th, worked with colleges to verify their constituent faculty information. Colleges additionally noted faculty who had documented reasons for exclusion per the BOG and/or USF PTR regulations and faculty were reclassified accordingly.

4. After verification by colleges, on September 14th a table was created listing the total 
number of faculty by college, as well as the approximately 20% cap, the required cohort, eligible faculty, and excluded faculty numbers. Additionally, a column subtracted the 
amount of faculty in the required cohort from the college cap in order to determine the 
remaining number of faculty per college that will need to be randomly selected for post-tenure review. 

5. Subsequent to the final verification of faculty information by the colleges, a Teams
meeting was scheduled on Monday, September 18th at 4pm for the random selection of faculty from those who were eligible for selection. The meeting included representatives from the Provost鈥檚 Office, USF Health, ODS, IT, HR, and the Faculty Senate.

6. At the meeting, the list of eligible faculty was rearranged in ascending order by 
employee ID number and sequentially numbered between 1 -379 representing the total number of eligible faculty.

7. IT used a random number sequence generator to provide a random number sequence for the priority order. The list of eligible faculty was then arranged according to the priority order determined by the random number selection.

8. The faculty were then grouped by college to ensure that colleges remained within their college caps (at approximately 20% each).

9. Subsequent to the meeting, the list of the required cohort and those randomly selected were combined for each college to provide a list of faculty selected for post-tenure review. The respective lists were then communicated to the deans of each college on Monday, September 18th in order to inform their selected faculty. 

The operational details from the 2023-2024 PTR cycle can be found . 


For questions regarding the Post-Tenure Review process please contact Dr. Stephen Stark (Academic Affairs) or Dr. Javier Cuevas (USF Health).