GNSI Publications
Research Articles

Is there hope for the resistance movements currently in flux in Iran? This latest research article concludes there is - with a Western caveat.
Learn more here.

After Iran’s strike against Israel on April 13th, the intensifying rivalry between Iran and Israel has escalated into a new stage of direct confrontation, marked by significant military engagements with profound implications for regional stability and global security. Learn more here.

The October 7, 2023, attack by Hamas demonstrates an unprecedented level of capability and sophistication, coupled with a significant intelligence failure on Israel’s part. (October 2023) Read More.

#1 on the U.S. Most Wanted List. Why the Push is on to Ban the World's Most Successful Startup from Academic, Government and Military Devices in the United States. (October 2023) Read More.

Iran has supplied Russian forces with thousands of drones, shaking up the relationship between Moscow and Tehran. (September 2023) Read More.
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