Video Game Physics

As a result of the formation of a professional learning community through a Noyce grant along with Dr. Rosengrant's research and personal interests, he is investigating how to use video games as a hook to help students learn various physics concepts. The team is comprised of both new and experienced teachers as well as graduate and undergraduate students. This endeavor will have many different types of applications. First will be the video game vignettes, which will be a short clip that has a particular question attached to it. Next, will be lesson plans that teachers can use directly in their classrooms either from video clips we have created or of lessons that allow students to play the game and draw concepts on their own. Finally, the team is compiling a set of resources that directly relate to the use of video games in the physics classroom.
The rationale for incorporating video games is simple; nearly all students whether boy or girl play video games of some type. If educators can take what they are already doing and use that interest to hook students into Physics and STEM then that interest towards another goal can be used to increase student comprehension. Whatever a teacher decides to do in the classroom, these vignettes can supplement that classroom instruction.
"I never knew this could be so valuable and easy to use with my students. I was always
afraid to do something with this type of technology because I wasn’t sure how others
would see it and view it. Now that I learned the value in it, I wish I would have
used it earlier."
- Middle School Educator