Article Listing
Viewing items with Category: All Categories, Year: All Years
Criminology associate professor discusses research and advocacy in podcast episode
Bryanna Fox, PhD recently spoke on the "Advocation - Change It Up!" podcast to talk about the Center for Justice Research and Policy.
October 24, 2022College News, Criminology
School of Social Work hosts voter registration drive
Outside of the MHC atrium, social work students manned a voter registration table with educational resources and registration forms.
October 24, 2022College News, School of Social Work
MHLP assistant professor honored by alma mater
Kyaien Conner, PhD, LSW, MPH received the Distinguished Alumni Award in the area of Social Work Innovation from the University of Pittsburgh.
October 21, 2022College News, Mental Health Law and Policy
Hurricane Ian recovery: 'This is about doing what's right and helping people'
Pam Alvarez, DM, MSW and Chris Groeber, MSW provided mental health support to DCF employees after Hurricane Ian.
October 21, 2022College News, School of Social Work
School of Social Work welcomes new online MSW program chair
David Kilmnick, PhD, MSW is a leading national advocate within the LGBT communities and is the founder and President/CEO of the New York LGBT Network.
October 20, 2022College News, School of Social Work
Alumni spotlight: Manley Jaquiss is one of USF’s most actively involved alums
Since receiving his undergraduate degree in criminology in 1986, Jaquiss continues to remain involved with USF and make an impact on students.
October 18, 2022College News, Criminology
CFS professor presented Lifetime Achievement Award
The NLBHA Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a recipient's outstanding professional services to the nation and the Latino community.
October 17, 2022Child and Family Studies, College News
CFS chair honored by alma mater
Lise Fox, PhD, was presented the Distinguished Alumni - Postsecondary Systems Award by the Florida State University College of Education.
October 10, 2022Child and Family Studies, College News
ABA student receives BCTOB Fellowship
The fellowship provides a two-semester stipend for a student to work at Behavioral Consulting of Tampa Bay.
October 10, 2022Child and Family Studies, College News
Social work faculty hold post-hurricane stress debriefings for DCF staff
In the first session, over 60 people shared and discussed the impact of Hurricane Ian.
October 10, 2022College News, School of Social Work
STEALTH Lab research assistant receives award to present at GSA conference
Aziz Rehman will present his research at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Conference this November.
October 9, 2022College News, School of Aging Studies
Aging studies associate professor joins Dementia Palliative Care Clinical Trials Training Program
This program provides a foundation in practical aspects involving the design and conduct of randomized clinical trials in dementia palliative care.
October 9, 2022College News, School of Aging Studies