Ph.D Student

Ocasio Portalatín, Naudy A., Au.D.
PhD Student
Primary Advisor: Michelle Arnold, AuD., Ph.D., CCC-A
Dr. Ocasio Portalatín is a bilingual audiologist from San Antonio, Texas. Originally
from Puerto Rico, he has lived in multiple locations globally both as a child of a
military member and later as a U.S. Air Force member himself. He recently completed
his Doctor of Audiology at the University of Arizona. His research interests include
development and validation of audiometric speech assessment measures in Spanish, hearing
healthcare disparities/access to care, and auditory contributions to the maintenance
of gait and balance in aging adults.
Doctor of Audiology | University of Arizona | 2023 |
Bachelor of Arts CSD | Our Lady of the Lake University | 2019 |
Recent Scholarly Activity
- Wong, A., Marrone N., Lee, D, Ocasio Portalatín, N.A., McClure, L. (2022, November). Building Communication Resilience: Technical Lessons Learned in Facilitating Discussions for Multilingual Audiences with Hearing Loss. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2022 Convention, New Orleans, LA. [Virtual Poster Presentation]
- Ocasio Portalatín, N.A., Gallun, F.J. (2022, February). Binaural hearing and the integration of auditory and vestibular cues. American Auditory Society Annual Conference 2022, Scottsdale, AZ [Poster Presentation]
- Ocasio Portalatín, N. A., Marrone, N., Wong, A., Rodríguez, B., & Lee, D. (2021, November). Detours and discoveries in building research capacity on hearing loss intervention for Hispanic/LatinX communities. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2021 Convention, Washington, D.C. [Virtual Poster Presentation]
- Ocasio Portalatín, N.A., Gallun, F.J. (2021, September). Binaural hearing and the integration of auditory and vestibular cues. National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research Biennial Conference 2021, Portland, OR [Virtual Poster Presentation]
- Ocasio Portalatín, N.A. (2021, August) National Institutes of Health T-35 Summer Research Fellowship Presentation. Binaural Hearing and the integration of auditory and vestibular cues. National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research, Portland, OR [Virtual Presentation]
- Marrone, N., Wong, A., Rodríguez, B., Ocasio Portalatín, N. A., & Lee, D. (2021, April). Juntos somos mejores: building research capacity through collaborative community engagement. Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2021 Virtual Conference, Phoenix, AZ. [Virtual Poster Presentation]
- Wong, A., Ocasio Portalatín, N. A., Rodríguez, B. (March 2021). “Hearing Care for All”: A Community Coalition Addressing Disparities. The ASHA Leader Live. From https://leader.pubs.asha.org/do/10.1044/2021-0303-world-hearing-day/full/ [Online Blog]
- Ocasio Portalatín, N. A., Taliancich-Klinger, C., Arcos-Hernandez, N., Hernandez, A.M., & Brady, B. (2019, November). Linguistic characteristics pre and post language enrichment for culturally and linguistically diverse children in a title 1 school. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2019 Convention, Orlando, FL. [Poster Presentation]