2025 E-Insights Report
Indeed Job Postings
- Tampa job postings experienced a significant spike in 2021, driven by pandemic-related economic recovery and heightened hiring demand, ranking among the top MSAs during this rebound phase.
- From 2022 to 2024, Tampa followed a stabilizing trend in job postings, consistent with broader labor market patterns. However, starting in Q3 2023, Tampa job postings declined relative to other MSAs, indicating a potential slowdown in hiring demand.
- Leading MSAs in terms of job postings during the analyzed period included Miami, Seattle, and San Diego, consistently showcasing strong hiring demand and economic activity. Tampa performed well initially but began to lag behind these peers by late 2023.

Competitive Position Trend

The Indeed Job Postings Index is built from a 7-day moving average of job postings. Seasonal adjustments are based on patterns in historical data. Source: Economic Research by Indeed[Data from hiringlab.org]