Research and Teaching
Fee Schedule
Internal Rates for Instrument and Facility Use
The rates published here are uniform for all internal users across USF.
Equipment Name Equipment Fee (daily, weekly, monthly)
Artec Eva $750 $2,250 $7,500
Artec Spider $500 $1,500 $5,000
Artec Leo $900 $1,800 $9,000
Faro Freestyle $900 $1,800 $9,000
FARO Focus x330 $1,800 $5,400 $18,000
FARO Focus s150 $1,800 $5,400 $18,000
FARO Focus Premium $1,800 $5,400 $18,000
FARO Arm $1,900 $3,600 $19,000
FARO 8-axis Arm $2,550 $7,650 $25,550
Metis Gamma EDS Scanner $750 $2,250 $7,500
Riegl Minivux-3 $5,250 $15,750 $52,750
Photogrammetry $600 $1,200 $6,000
Equipment Bundles
Bundle Name Equipment Included (daily, weekly, monthly)
Artec Eva and Artec Spider $1,395 $4,185 $13,950
Faro Focus x330 (2) and s150 $4,860 $14,580 $48,600
Faro Focus Premium $4,300 $8,600 $43,000