Careers and Skills

Lawyer, Career Counselor, Health Educator, Community Organizer, Victim Advocate, Case Manager, Non-Profit Director, Librarian, Deaconess, Family Services Director, Video Game Writer, Human Resources Diversity Trainer, Journalist, Artist, Legal Advocate Advisor, International Aid Worker, Campaign Organizer, Grant Writer, Teacher... these are just a few of the job titles graduates from WGSS have had.
Visit our Alumni page to see examples of what WGSS alumni have done with their degrees.
SKILLS DEVELOPED BY Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies MAJORS
Communication skills
Ability to formulate and defend positions
Ability to write detailed research papers and summarize concepts and ideas
Use vocabulary to suit a wide variety of audiences
Read and understand both primary and secondary sources
Explain concepts and strategies well enough in research papers to influence and persuade
the reader
Research skills
Evaluate ideas and research
Gather information and data
Literature reviews using libraries and internet
Interpret research and data
Critical thinking/problem solving
Critical thinking skills
Ability to analyze and synthesize
Ability to recognize assumptions and make inferences
Ability to create research designs
Interpersonal skills
Tolerance of different people and their views
Ability to understand difference and discover the intersections between race, homophobia,
sexism, classicism, and other forms of oppression
Knowledge about power relationships and injustice
Ability to accept intellectual and personal challenges, take a stand and support it
with evidence
Ability to assess needs
Writing/editing skills
Reading and thinking critically; using unfamiliar materials and generating new ideas
Reading and analyzing a text
Perform a close reading of the text and provide an analysis of the passage
Able to argue or defend a position
Correct usage of grammar
Able to write clearly