Using Your Degree
What can you do with a degree in Cell and Molecular Biology or Microbiology?

Students who graduate from our programs have many options in careers related to cell biology, microbiology and molecular biology. These include jobs in the agricultural, biotechnology, food and healthcare industries, where a biologist might work in a laboratory carrying out research, process control or quality control. Well trained biologists often work in businesses, industry and government and use their knowledge of biology to advise and apply scientific principles in business plans and policy issues. Biologists are particularly suited for jobs in technical writing and journalism, as they have the background in a wide variety of sciences and develop good communication skills as students. Even graphic arts can provide career opportunities for biologists who can help illustrate science textbooks, articles and magazines.
Another important area for biologists is in education. A biology degree provides the knowledge base to become an effective teacher, particularly in middle schools and high schools, and qualified science teachers are in higher demand than those trained in non-science areas. Other opportunities exist in training, education and public outreach for business, government and private institutions.

Aside from going directly from undergraduate training to a job, many biologists use their undergraduate degree to qualify for graduate and/or professional training such as medical school, veterinarian school, dental school, physician assistant programs and other healthcare professions. Students who wish to pursue careers in research, university teaching or management positions in biotechnology or industry have the option of continuing to graduate programs at either the ms or the Ph.D. level in biology related fields.
Careers | |
Agriculture Bioinformatics & Medical Informatics Biological computer modeling Biomedical Research Biotechnology Biotechnology Policy Brewery Production Business Clinical Diagnostics Colleges and University Teaching Crop improvement Dental School Elementary, Middle and High School Teaching Entrepreneur Environmental Technician/Consultant Food Production Food Safety Forensic Scientist Geneticist Genetic Engineering Government Jobs Healthcare Industries Healthcare policy Health Law Laboratory Technician Laboratory Safety Medical devices Medical Policy Medical research Medical School |
Medical Technology Microbiologist Nutrition Patent Law Patient Care Pest control Pharmaceutical Science Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Physical Therapy Physician Assistant Product Quality Product safety Research Assistant Research Coordinator Research Scientist Research Technician Science Administration Science Education Science Journalism Science Policy Scientific Editing Scientific Illustrator Scientific Instrumentation Companies Scientific Supply Representative Teacher Technical writing Toxicology Training and outreach in Industry and Government Veterinary Medicine Wildlife Management |