M.S. in Biology - Concentration in Cell and Molecular Biology
THESIS MS- Biology Program Catalog Requirements

- Minimum of 30 credits required (approved by MBS)
- Core Requirements - 6 credit hours
- BSC 6393 Advances in Life Sciences Credit Hours: 1 (Taken 3 times)
- BSC 6930 Lectures in Contemporary Biology Credit Hours: 1 (Taken 3 times)
- Concentration (required) - 15 credit hours minimum
- PCB 6920 Advances in Cell and Molecular Biology during Fall Semester of first year Credit Hours: 1
- BSC 6956 Scientific Grant Writing during Spring Semester of first year* Credit Hours: 3
- Other concentration course requirements- 11 credits
- Please contact Graduate Program Specialist for List of Approved Classes: 11 credit hours.
- Thesis (Research and Defense) - 9 credit hours minimum
- BSC 6971 Thesis: Master's Credit Hours: (8 credit hours minimum)
- BSC 6935 Graduate Seminar in Biology Credit Hours: 1
- Submission and Approval of Thesis Proposal
- Successful Completion of an Oral Qualifying Examination
- Presentation Requirement (1 presentation at national/regional professional meetings)
- Submission of acceptable thesis
*For Fall admissions. Students admitted in Spring will take this course in the Spring of their 2nd year.
M.S.-Bio Thesis Program
Projected tracking example through program in 2.5 years*
*Based on successful completion of oral qualifying exam in the time specified, good academic standing and continuation of research during summer sessions
- Semester 1 (fall)
- BSC 6910 Directed Research or Laboratory Rotations if required
- PCB 6920 Advances in Cellular & Molecular Biology
- Concentration structured course (3 of 11 credits)
- BSC 6930 Lectures in Contemporary Biology (1 of 3)
- BSC 6393 Advances in Life Sciences (1 of 3)
- Submit Annual Progress Report by December 15th
- Establish MS Laboratory and Major Advisor
- Semester 2 (spring)
- BSC 6910 Directed Research
- BSC 6956 Scientific Grant Writing
- Concentration structured course (6 of 11 credits)
- BSC 6930 Lectures in Contemporary Biology (2 of 3)
- BSC 6393 Advances in Life Sciences (2 of 3)
- Form thesis committee (file paperwork)
- Summer 1
- BSC 6910 Directed Research
- Work on thesis proposal
- Semester 3 (fall)
- BSC 6910 Directed Research
- BSC 6930 Lectures in Contemporary Biology (3 of 3)
- Concentration structured course (9 of 11 credits)
- Concentration structured course (12 of 11 credits)
- BSC 6393 Advances in Life Sciences (3 of 3)
- Submit Thesis Proposal to Thesis Committee
- Complete Oral Qualifier by November 15th
- Submit Annual Progress Report by December 15th
- Semester 4 (spring)
- BSC/MCB 6971 Thesis: Masters (9 credits)
- Summer 2
- BSC/MCB 6971 Thesis: Masters (6 credits)
- Semester 5 (fall)
- BSC/MCB 6971 Thesis: Masters (8 credits)
- BSC6935 Thesis Seminar (1 credit)
- Defend thesis and graduate
- National meeting presentation