Internship Interview: Kayla Kavanagh
Kayla Kavanagh,

Chin Music Press
As an intern for Chin Music Press, I worked hands-on with new manuscripts and other exciting literary projects. I had the chance to work directly with authors at all stages of the publishing process, from the acquisitions phase to the final proofread. I built my network and connected with numerous folks who work in independent presses across the country, and learned so much along the way about the editorial process!
I learned that what makes small press publishing unique is the commitment to the artistic interests of the editorial team and the trust placed in authors. Chin Music Press values the author-editor relationship deeply and allows writers (and interns!) to have an active voice in the editorial process. The result is a book that honors the writer’s vision in terms of appearance and content. I also learned about the importance of the relationship between independent presses and independent booksellers. Publishing a book is half the battle—getting it onto shelves in stores is the other half! What I valued most during this internship experience was witnessing firsthand how these interpersonal relationships drive independent presses and building relationships of my own.