Next Steps
International Transcript Submission
International students attending USF must submit transcripts to enroll at the university. Below are definitions of the types of transcripts that may be requested and how to complete the requirement.
Final Enrollment at USF
Before your first day of classes, you must submit final official transcripts that reflect your date of graduation to the 麻豆视频. Remember, your offer of admission is contingent upon our receipt and evaluation of your transcripts.
- If you attended multiple institutions, be sure to submit separate official transcripts from each of them.
- If you submit international transcripts and they are not issued in English, you must also include certified English translations.
If you are graduating from an international high school located outside the U.S., be sure to review our transcript submission requirements by country below.
If you are graduating from a high school in the U.S., review our information based on your school type here.
Preferred Method of Receipt
Request your high school official staff member or guidance counselor email official
documents to us at The email must include your full name and USF ID number.
In-Person When You Arrive at USF
If you choose this option, you will need to deliver your official documents in a sealed
institutional envelope to the Office of Admissions in-person when you arrive at USF.
Please ensure it remains sealed; opening it renders it unofficial.
- Mail
- 麻豆视频
Office of Admissions
4202 E Fowler Avenue, SVC 1036
Tampa, FL 33620
- 麻豆视频
Important notes for transcript submission:
- Transcripts must be sent directly to USF from your school.
- Provide official final transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended.
- Allow 4-6 weeks for the USF Office of Admissions to process your transcript.
- Do NOT fax your transcripts to USF.
- If you cannot submit digitally, we will accept hard copies via mail.
- Please note: hard copy official transcripts should be sent directly from the school in sealed envelopes. If you pick up your official transcript and bring it to the Admissions Office, do NOT open the envelope! Opening it renders it unofficial.
Be sure to check final transcript requirements for YOUR COUNTRY below. If your country is not listed, please email us at
Education System / Examinations
British Style High School (A levels)
If Cambridge Exam(s) (GCSE, IGCSE, and/or GCE/ O/AS/A Levels) can be verified via,
submit A Level Certificates for review and verification.
If Cambridge Exams cannot be verified - you will need to request the official Cambridge certificates
to be sent to us directly from Cambridge. For information about requesting official
Cambridge certificates please visit:
Cambrige AICE
EDEXCEL (GCSE, IGCSE, and/or, GCE O/AS/A Levels) - you will need to request the official
EDEXCEL certificates to be sent to us directly from EDEXCEL. For information about
requesting official EDEXCEL certificates please visit:
AQA (GCSE, IGCSE, and/or, GCE O/AS/A Levels) - you will need to request the official
AQA certificates to be sent to us directly from AQA. For information about requesting
official AQA certificates please visit: OCR (GCSE, IGCSE, and/or, GCE O/AS/A Levels) - you will need to request the official
OCR certificates to be sent to us directly from OCR. For more information about requesting
official OCR certificates please visit:
A-level exam results are released on August 15th, 2024.
IB Curriculum
Final official high school transcript(s) along with Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and, if applicable, official scores from the Caribbean Advanced Examinations Council (CAPE)
AP (Advanced Placement) Exams
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with Diploma (Bachillerato/Bachiller)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Official Certificate of General Secondary Education (Svidetelstvo o Srednem Obrazovanii)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Bahamas (The)
- Official scores for the Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) from the Ministry of Education
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with the official General Education
Leaving Certificate (Shehaadat al-thaanawiya al-’aama)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Official Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) and Higher Secondary Certificate
Examination (HSCE)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official high school transcript(s) along with Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and, if applicable, official scores from the Caribbean Advanced Examinations Council (CAPE)
- Official Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and, if applicable, official scores from the Caribbean Advanced Examinations Council (CAPE)
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with the Diploma (Bachiller en Humanidades)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official (Historico Escolar Ensino Medio) high school transcript(s). The transcripts
must include a statement of high school completion. If the document does not include
a statement of high school completion you must also submit a copy of your hig school
diploma (Certificado de Conclus?o do Ensino Medio)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Official provincial or territorial Ministry of Education (MOE) final secondary school transcript(s), along with official provincial/territorial Diploma
Cayman Islands
- Final official high school transcript(s) along with Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and, if applicable, official scores from the Caribbean Advanced Examinations Council (CAPE)
Final official high school transcript(s), along with Diploma (Licencia de Educacion Media)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official high school transcript(s) (高中成绩单), along with Senior High School Graduation Diploma (高中毕业证书)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with official Diploma (Titulo de Bachiller Academico)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Costa Rica
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with the official Diploma (Bachillerato/
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with Diploma (Bachillerato/ Bachiller)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Official General Certificate of Secondary Education
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Final official high school transcript(s), along with the official Diploma (Bachillerato en Humanidades/Ciencias)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate Examination (ESECE)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official Results of the Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EHEEE),
when available
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Official Baccalauréat Releve des Notes/ Baccalauréat transcript along with the Dipl?me du Baccalauréat Général /Diploma of General Baccalaureat
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- WAEC Senior School Certificate Exam & WAEC Scratch Card for verification purposes.
- If WAEC Senior Secondary School Certificate Exam is not available, then submit
- WAEC Scratch Card with the following information:
- Exam Type
- Candidate Number
- Examination Year
- Card Serial Number (Found on Scratch Card)
- Card Pin (Can be Found on Scratch Card)
Official Certificate of Overall Maturity for Higher (Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife or Zeugnis of Fachhochschulreife), and official German Abitur examination results, if applicable
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- WAEC Senior Secondary School Certificate Exam & WAEC Scratch Card for verification purposes.
- If WAEC Senior Secondary School Certificate Exam is not available, then submit WAEC
Scratch Card with the following information:
- Index Number
- Examination Type
- Examination Year
- Voucher Serial Number (Found on Scratch Card)
- Pin (Can be Found on Scratch Card)
Final official high school transcript(s), along with Graduation Certificate (Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Final official transcript (Releve de Notes), along with Diploma of Completion of Secondary Studies (Dipl?me de Fin d'?tudes Secondaires) (Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de la formation professionelle dipl?mes)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Final official high school transcript(s), along with Graduation Certificate (Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Official Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE)/Year 10 Examination issued by various boards and Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE)/Year 12 Examination issued by various boards
If submitting in person upon arrival at USF: you may come to the Office of International Admissions, and a recruiter will watch you log into your Digi locker account to verify your CBSE grade X and XII exam results
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Iran (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with Certificate of Completion of
Secondary Studies
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Matriculation examination certificate (Teudat Bagrut) with results
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Official Diploma di Maturita/Diploma di Esame di Stato with results
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Official Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and, if applicable, official scores from the Caribbean Advanced Examinations Council (CAPE)
- Final official high school transcript (高校の最終成績証明書) along with the official Upper Secondary
School Certificate of Graduation/Kotogakko Sotsugyo Shosho (高校の卒業証明書)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Official General Secondary Education Certificate (Tawjihi) with results
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official “Attestat” of (complete) General Secondary Education with the Supplement
(Attestat o srednem (polnom) obschem obrazovanii)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
official Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with results
- Official Completion Certificate of Secondary Stage/Shahadat Al-Hanaway-Al-A'ama with
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official “Attestation” of (complete) General Secondary Education with the Supplement
(Attestation o srednem (polnom) sachem obrazovanii)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
SPM: Official Certificate of Education (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) with results
STPM: Official Higher School Certificate of Education (Sijil Tinggi Perseroan Malaysia) with results
UEC: Official United Examination Certificate for Independent Chinese Schools in Malaysia with results
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Final official high school transcript along with the official Diploma/CERTIFICADOS de Bachillerato o Preparatory
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Official Certificate of Complete Secondary Education with results.
Final official transcript(s) Releve de Notes and Baccalauréat diploma (front and back)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official Matriculation Examination Marks and Pass Certificate.Nepal
Secondary Education Examination (SEE) & School Leaving Certificate Examination (SLCE)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official high school transcript, along with the official Higher Secondary Education
Board Certificate (HSEB)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Netherlands (The)
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with the official HAVO Diploma; or
the final official Diploma of Senior General Secondary Education; VWO Diploma (Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs); or Diploma of University Preparatory Education (IERF)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with official Diploma (Bachillerato)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- WAEC Senior Secondary School Certificate Exam & WAEC Scratch Card for verification purposes
- If WAEC Senior Secondary School Certificate Exam is not available, then submit
- WAEC Scratch Card with the following information:
- Examination Number
- Examination Year
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official Transcript of Student Attainment in General Education Diploma
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Official Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary School Certificate
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with Diploma de Educación Media/ Bachiller
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official high school transcript(s) along with Diploma (Bachiller Humanistico y Ciencias)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with one of the following: the official
Certificate of Studies/Certificado Oficial de Estudios; Certificate of Completion of General Secondary Education/Certificado de Educacion Secundaria Común Completa; Bachillerato Academico
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Official Qatar Senior Schooling Certificate with results
Official Qatar Secondary Schooling Certificate with results
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with the official Diploma/Diploma de Baccalaureat (Academic)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Russian Federation
- Final official “Attestat” of complete General Secondary Education with the Supplement
(Attestat o srednem (polnom) obschem obrazovanii)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Saint Lucia
- Final official high school transcript(s) along with Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and, if applicable, official scores from the Caribbean Advanced Examinations Council (CAPE)
Saudi Arabia
Final official General Secondary School Transcript
Final official General Secondary School Leaving Certificate with results
(Credit System): final official General Secondary Education Transcript and Certificate
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
South Africa
- Final official National Senior Certificate with results
South Korea
- Final official high school transcript(s) (?? ?? ???? ???), along with Senior High School Graduation Diploma (??? ???? ???)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with the provisional Bachillerato/Titulo
de Bachiller
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Sri Lanka
- Final official Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education, O and A'Levels be sent
to USF directly from the Department of Examinations - Sri Lanka.
For information about requesting General Certificate of Education, O and A'Levels please visit the following site:
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Taiwan, republic of China
- Final official high school transcript (高中成績單) along with Senior High School Graduation
Diploma (高中畢業文憑)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with /Higher Secondary School Certificate
(Matayom VI (MS 6))
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Trinidad and Tobago
- Official Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and, if applicable, official scores from the Caribbean Advanced Examinations Council (CAPE)
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with the official copy of the Secondary
School Diploma (Lise Diplomasi)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Final official Statement of Student after passing grade 12 with results
- Military school: Final official high school transcript(s) including grade 12 Certificate
for the academic year (___ /___)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education (Atestat pro Povnu
Zagal’nu Seredniu Osvitu) with the supplement/appendix to the certificate
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with official Diploma (Bachillerato Diversificado de Ensenanza Secundaria)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Final official high school transcript(s), along with the Certificate of Complete Secondary Education (attestat zrelosti)
- 3-year vocational college: final official transcripts booklet, along with the Diploma
of Secondary Vocational Education (the diploma name may vary)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Viet Nam
- Final official H?C B? (high school transcript) along with Provisional Graduation Certificate/
Gi?y Ch?ng Nh?n T?t Nghi?p T?m Th?i
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
- Final official high school transcript(s), along with the official Graduation Certificate
(Bachiller Diversificado de Ense?anza Secundaria)
Final official high school transcripts and documents issued in another language other than English must be accompanied by a certified word-for-word English translation
Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing of your transcript by the USF Office of International Admissions. Here's what to expect once we receive it:
USF Receives Transcript
Step 1
When the USF Office of Admissions receives your transcript from your previous or current institution(s), we'll update your Transcript tile(s) in the Applicant Portal to "Received and Under Review," marked with a Yellow status.
USF Completes Transcript Processing
Step 2
Once USF processes your transcript, the following updates will occur on your checklist:
- Green "Completed" Status: Your tile will transition to a Green "Completed" status once your transcript has been
verified as final, indicating that all coursework has been completed with a final
grade, and a degree or graduation date has been provided, if applicable.
- Yellow "Received and Under Review" Status: If your transcript contains any ongoing coursework without a final grade, or if it lacks a graduation date for your degree, if applicable, your tile will maintain a "Received and Under Review" status, marked with a Yellow flag.
Freshman and transfer applicants should log into their often for updates. If you have questions, please reach out to us:
- Freshman Students:
- Transfer Students:
- Graduate Students: