
Tabling | International Festival

International organizations and departments interested in participating can sign up for a display table at the 2018 International Festival in Fall 2018. If your organization and/or department would like to table please

Groups will be provided with one table and two chairs and your organization should be checked-in no later than 10:30am before the event. No electricity will be provided. Participating groups include student organizations, USF departments, INTO USF, international students — everyone!


The event is modeled after the Epcot World showcase in the USF quad. Groups will host booths to represent countries from around the world. Organizations are encouraged to bring any promotional items, giveaways, a tent, costumes, cultural attire, posters or displays to create an interactive experience to educate the USF community on your represented culture. Please do NOT bring food. Pre-approved vendors will provide food in each region.

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