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Sustainable Organization Spotlight: Sea Turtle Conservancy
December 7th, 2017
By: Emily Munger

One of the ways STC raises awareness while also educating the public is with its yearly program called Tour de Turtles that tracks sea turtle migration. Tour de Turtles allows viewers to follow individual turtles through their migration from nesting beaches to foraging grounds. Sea turtles are tracked for three months once they leave their nesting beach and begin a race to see which turtle can swim the farthest distance. PCGS has participated in the Tour de Turtles in the past, sponsoring a turtle in 2016 named Tortuga Turista.
On July 30th of 2017 a live release took place at Barrier Island Center, Melbourne Beach, Florida. Other live releases also took place in Costa Rica, Panama, and Nevis. Among the turtles released was this year's PCGS turtle, a leatherback named Tortuga Turista II, who placed third in the race. STC wants everyone to know that "saving sea turtles is a marathon, not a sprint!" Next year, 2018, will mark the Conservancy's 10th year of Tour de Turtles. For more information on how you can sponsor a turtle next year, keep an eye on the Tour de Turtles website at