Biological Oceanography
Ernst B. Peebles

Ernst B. Peebles
Associate Professor
Biological Oceanography
Office Phone: 727.553.3983
Lab Phone: 727.553.1296
CV: View PDF
Selected Publications: View PDF
Research: Biological Oceanography/Marine Resource Assessment
Specialties: Stable isotope analyses, DNA Barcoding, Otolith Microchemistry
Dr. Peebles’ research foci include: 1) spatio-temporal interactions between coastal
fishes and their prey, particularly as these are affected by freshwater flows to the
coast and other physical processes, to manage environmental flows into estuaries and
to develop community-level metrics for establishing the extent of eutrophication in
coastal water bodies; 2) use of stable isotope analysis to investigate factors that
influence coastal biomass pathways to identify site fidelities and movements that
determine geographic habitat connectivity; and 3) DNA barcoding and hydrodynamic models
to our effort to characterize habitat connectivity during egg and larval stages.
In a related effort, we have been using otolith microchemistry (LA-ICP-MS) to connect
adult fish to the geographic regions they used as nursery habitat and to detect exposure
of individual fish to stressful events such as oil spills.