Biological Oceanography
Cameron Ainsworth

Cameron Ainsworth
Physical Oceanography
Fisheries Oceanography
Ph.D. University of British Columbia, 2006
Office Phone: 727.553.3373
CV: View PDF
Fisheries and Ecosystems Ecology Lab Website
Research: Fisheries Biology; Ecosystem and Resource Management
Specialties: Fisheries Management, Food Webs, Population Dynamics, Marine Ecosystems,
Population Modeling
Dr. Ainsworth’s research is focused on understanding how human activities and climate
influence the structure and functioning of marine communities and developing new tools
and methodologies to support ecosystem-based management. As part of this research,
Dr. Ainsworth and his students employ a variety of statistical and numerical simulation
models to characterize trophic linkages in marine ecosystems, habitat use by fish
and invertebrates, and the influence of physical oceanography on the distribution
of marine life. His ongoing studies include a management strategy evaluation (MSE)
of Gulf of Mexico marine protected area design. The MSE approach is a type of closed-loop
policy analysis that simulates each part of Holling’s adaptive management cycle (stock
assessment, implementation of harvest rules, and policy evaluation). Key to this approach
is recognizing feedbacks from the ecosystem that occur in response to management actions
and evaluating tradeoffs with respect to socioeconomic and ecological policy objectives.
This work is being done in collaboration with NOAA as part of their Integrated Ecosystem
Assessment for the Gulf of Mexico, and other Gulf-area agencies. Another major project
ongoing in the Ainsworth lab is the evaluation of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
This study focuses on the short and long-term impacts of oil toxicity in the ecosystem,
as well as the impacts of mediation actions like the use of dispersants and fishery
In 2013, Dr. Ainsworth received a Sloan Research Fellowship, awarded to stimulate
fundamental research by early-career scientists and scholars of outstanding promise.
These two-year fellowships are awarded yearly to 126 researchers in recognition of
distinguished performance and a unique potential to make substantial contributions
to their field. Dr. Ainsworth is one of only two Sloan Fellowships awarded in the
state of Florida.