Faculty Profiles

Sam Haraf

assistant professor of instruction

Sam Haraf

Email: sharaf1@usf.edu 
Office Location: USF Tampa campus, EDU 202

Dr. Sam Haraf is an Assistant Professor of Instruction in the Department of Teaching and Learning. She teaches courses in the College of Education such as EDE 4504: Creating and Differentiating the Learning Environment and EDE 4940: Elementary Education Internship. Dr. Haraf’s work focuses on teacher candidate preparation, school-university partnership development, and teacher learning related to fostering classroom environments that are supportive, accessible, and rigorous for all students. Prior to working in teacher education, Dr. Haraf worked as a reading coach and as an elementary teacher in urban, rural, and suburban schools in the Chicago area. Within these schools, she participated in school improvement planning, school-based intervention teams, schoolwide professional development planning, and curriculum development.
Dr. Haraf earned a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education, a master’s degree in Curriculum Studies/Teacher Leadership, and a doctoral degree in Curriculum and Instruction/Teacher Education. She also has certifications in Qualitative Research, and Special Education.