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Anchin Endowed Chair of Education Innovation and Director of the David C. Anchin Center 2018-present Member of the Learning Disabilities Association of America Professional Advisory Board 2015-2016 Co-Coordinator for Exceptional Student Education Undergraduate Program, Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Education, 鶹Ƶ 2014-2015 Area Coordinator for Special Education Programs 2014-2015 Doctoral Program Coordinator Special Education, Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Education, 鶹Ƶ 2007-2014 Member, National Advisory Council for the RTI Action Network, National Council for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) 2011 Co-Doctoral Program Coordinator, Department of Special Education, College of Education, 鶹Ƶ 2001- present Credentialed Graduate Faculty, College of Education, 鶹Ƶ 2001-2007 Associate Professor, Undergraduate Coordinator, Department of Special Education, College of Education, 鶹Ƶ 2000-2001 Associate Professor, Special Education, School of Education, College of Education & Psychology, James Madison University 1996-2001 Graduate Faculty, Assistant Professor of Special Education, School of Education, College of Education & Psychology, James Madison University 1995-2000 Assistant Professor of Special Education, School of Education, College of Education & Psychology, James Madison University 1995-1997 Clinical Supervisor, Human Development Center, College of Education & Psychology, James Madison University 1993-1995 Instructor, Special Education Department, College of Education, University of Florida Research Assistant, Multidisciplinary Diagnostic and Training Program, Department of Special Education/Department of Pediatric Neurology - Shands Teaching Hospital, University of Florida. Math Assessment and teacher training for intervention with students at risk of academic failure. 1993-1995 Educational Consultant, Multidisciplinary Diagnostic and Training Program, Department of Special Education/Department of Pediatric Neurology - Shands Teaching Hospital, University of Florida. Conducted numerous workshops for middle school students/teachers on study skills and learning strategies. Editorial Assistant, Teacher Education in Special Education (TESE), journal for the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children. Special Education Department, University of Florida 1994-1995 Member, University of Florida Institutional Review Board, University of Florida. 1994 Instructor, Furman University (Summer Term Replacement for Faculty on Leave) Graduate Research & Teaching Assistant, Department of Special Education, College of Education, University of Florida Teacher, Self-Contained Classroom for Students with Severe Learning Disabilities (including some students with Severe Emotional Disturbance); Special Education Department Head, Fort King Middle School, Ocala, FL. Teacher, Resource Room for Students with Learning Disabilities & Emotional/Behavior Disorders, Osceola Middle School, Ocala, FL 1984 Substitute Teacher (including serving as a full-time substitute for six weeks in a high school classroom for students with Severe Emotional Disturbance), Marion County School District, Ocala, FL. 1983-1984 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN HONORS & AWARDS 2023 LDA Award, Learning Disabilities Association of America 2019 Exemplary Professional Development School Achievement Award, National Association of Professional Development Schools ((part of a collaborative team of school-university partners) 2018 Council of Great City Schools Shirley Schwartz Urban Education Impact Award (part of a collaborative team of school-university partners) 2018 Florida Campus Compact Community Partnership Award (part of a collaborative team of school-university partners) 2018 Partners in Excellence Award USF College of Education Honors Program - SCATTER 2017 USF Office of Community Engagement Community Engaged Faculty Recognition 2017 Learning Disabilities Association of America Sam Kirk Educator of the Year 2016 Florida Learning Disabilities Association Nominee for Learning Disabilities Association of America Sam Kirk Educator of the Year Award 2013 National Association of Professional Development Schools Spirit Award (the lead faculty members for the ESE undergraduate program were presented this annual award for exemplary university-school partnership work in teacher education) 2010 Selected iTeach Fellow for College of Education, 鶹Ƶ 2006 鶹Ƶ Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award 2006 Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award Nominee- Department of Special Education, College of Education, Department of Special Education 2003 Celebrate Literacy Award Hillsborough County (FL) International Reading Association. 2002 Governors Innovation in Technology Silver Award (MathVIDS website) 2000 Madison Scholar, College of Education and Psychology, James Madison University presented annually to one faculty member in the College in recognition of distinguished scholarship. 2000 Madison Scholar Nominee for the School of Education, James Madison University 2000 Whos Who Among Americas Teachers 1999 Phi Delta Kappan 1998 James Madison University International Practicum Program Awardee. Selected through a peer-review process to direct and supervise international practicum course in Rome, Italy for pre-service teachers in special education, middle education, early childhood education and secondary education. College of Education and Psychology, James Madison University. 1997 Mosier Fellowship, College of Education and Psychology, James Madison University. Awarded annually for distinguished research/scholarship in the College. The fellowship supports a current research/scholarship project. 1996 Appointed to Graduate Faculty, James Madison University 1993 Doctoral Leadership Award, Department of Special Education, University of Florida 1991 Crown Region Teacher of the Year (encompassing 17 counties), One of Five State Finalists for Florida Teacher of the Year 1991 District Teacher of the Year, Marion County School District, Florida 1991 Golden Apple Academy, recognition for outstanding teaching - awarded to five teachers in the district each year, Marion County Schools Foundation, Florida. I was recognized as the Golden Apple Award winner among the four other teachers selected for the Golden Apple Academy during this year. 1991 Outstanding Young Educator of the Year (State of Florida) 1991 J.C. Penney Golden Rule Award, 1st Runner-Up-Administrative Category Volunteer Award, Marion County, FL. 1991 Teacher of the Year, Fort King Middle School, Marion County School District, Florida 1990 Outstanding Teacher Award, Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Florida, Ocala, FL. 1990 Certificate of Award in Education, Pilot Club, Ocala, FL. 1983 Bachelor of Arts - Psychology - Cum Laude, Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina 1982 Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Society, Furman University Chapter 1982 Psi Chi - honor society in psychology, Furman University Chapter RESEARCH/PUBLICATIONS Publications Journals, Books, Book Chapters, Policy Papers Allsopp, D.H., van Ingen Lauer, S., Fogle, K., & Hoppey, D. (manuscript in preparation). Preparing Teachers to Effectively Support Students with SLD: The Current State and What is Needed. Anticipate submitting to the journal Teacher Education and Special Education in Feb. 2025. Ozturk, M., Allsopp, D.H., & Hoppey, D. (submitted). Preparing Preservice Special Education Teachers to Engage in Family Collaboration: A Case Study of One Preservice Teacher Preparation Program. Studying Teacher Education. Powell, S., Allsopp, D.H., et al. (accepted). The NCTM/CEC Position Statement on Teaching Mathematics to Students withDisabilities: What's in It and What's Not. Research in Special Education. van Ingen Lauer, S., Eskelson, S.L., Allsopp, D.H., Siegemund, S., Bock. A.S., Lucia, V., Capellini, M.H., Ana Paula Pacheco Moraes Maturana, A.P.P.M., Liu, D. (2025). Preparing teachers for content-specific consultations: Perspectives from four continents. Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education. Allsopp, D., Eskelson, S. L., van Ingen Lauer, S., Hinton, J., Farmer, J., & Hughes, E. K. (2024). Collaborative Planning: The Critical Foundation for Successful Math Interventions.TEACHING Exceptional Children, 00400599241242326. van Ingen Lauer, S., Allsopp, D., McHale-Small, M., Tridas, E., Cardenas-Hagan, E., Scott, K., ... & Kane, C. (2023). The Learning Disability Association of Americas Specific Learning Disability Evaluation Principles and Standards.Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal,28(2). McHale-Small, M.,Tridas, E.,S., Crdenas-Hagan, E.,Allsopp, D.H.,van Ingen Lauer, S.,Scott,K., & Elbeheri, G.(2023). Specific Learning Disabilities Principles and Standards. Learning Disabilities Association of America. ldaamerica.org Broughton, A. J., Catania, N., Hoppey, D., & Allsopp, D. (2022). Cultivating Critical Consciousness in Special Educators: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Latinx Teacher Candidates Critical Consciousness.Multiple Voices: Disability, Race, and Language Intersections in Special Education,22(2), 41-60. White, A.L., Hoppey, D., & Allsopp, D.H. (2020). IDEA Discipline Mandates and Outcomes. In J. Rodriguez & W. Murawski (Eds.), Special Education Law and Policy: From Foundation to Application (Ch. 12). San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing, Inc. White, A.L., Hoppey, D., & Allsopp, D.H. (2020). Addressing Discipline Policies and Practices for Students with Disabilities. In J. Rodriguez & W. Murawski, (Eds.), Special Education Law and Policy: From Foundation to Application (Ch. 13). San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing, Inc. Hoppey, D. & Allsopp, D. H. (2020). Intentionally teaching inquiry and the practitioner research conference: One colleges PDS efforts to engage teacher candidates in and to publicly share the results of deliberate investigations of practice. In E. Garin & R.W. Burns (Eds.) The NAPDS Nine Essentials in Action: Cases of Professional Development Schools. Research in Professional Development Schools Series (Ferrara, Nath & Beebe).Information Age Publishing: Charlotte, N.C. Rinck, J., Burns, R. W., Jacobs, J., & Allsopp, D. H. (2020). Breaking down barriers: Building a network of professional development schools across elementary, middle, and high school levels. In R. W. Burns & Jacobs, J. (Eds.) Clinically-Based Teacher Education in Action: Cases from PDS. Information Age Publishing: Charlotte, N.C. Haley, K.C., Hoppey, D., & Allsopp, D.H. (2020). The Fight Within: Parent-Educators Advocating for Their Children with Autism Inside Their Own School Districts. Teacher Education and Special Education, 43(2), 1-16. (Impact factor: 1.841) (( Allsopp, D.H. & Deshler, D. (2019). Implementing Effective Instruction: Strategy Instruction. In Forward Together: A School Leaders Guide to Creating Inclusive Schools. National Center for Learning Disabilities: Washington, D.C. Burns, R. W.,Jacobs, J., Allsopp, D., Haraf, S.*, Baker, W.*+, Johnson, W. W., + Bellas, A.+, Perrone-Britt, F.+, Izzo, M.+, Hailey-Brown, L.+, Krein, D., & Wichinsky, L. (2019, September). Mort Elementary Community Partnership School: 2019 Exemplary Professional Development School Award Winner.School-University Partnerships, 12(2), 3-11. Haley, K.C., Hoppey, D. & Allsopp, D.H.(2019)Advocating for students with learning and behavior challenges: Insights from teachers who are also parents.Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth,63(1),24-31. (Impact factor: 1.00) Cranston-Gingras, A., Alvarez McHatton, P. M., Allsopp, D. H., Colucci, K., Hoppey, D., & Hahn, S. (2019). Breaking the mold: Lessons learned from a teacher education programs attempt to innovate.The New Educator,15(1), 30-50. Hoppey, D.,Allsopp, D., Riley, M.W., Frier, A., & Hahn, S. (2018). Understanding teacher candidates perspectives of learning to teach during an innovative summer practicum. In D. Hoppey & D. Y. Hoppey (Eds.)Outcomes of High-Quality Clinical Practice in Teacher Education(Chapter 9). Information Age Publishing:Charlotte, NC. 4 van Ingen, S., Allsopp, D.H., Broughton, A.J., White, A., & Albritton, K. (2018). How the Commitment to Inclusion Has Highlighted the Need for Greater Collaboration in the United States.Revista Brasileira de Educao Especial,24(SPE), 167-180. Haley, K.C., Allsopp, D.H., & Hoppey, D. (2018). When a Parent of a Student with a Learning Disability Is Also an Educator in the Same School District: A Heuristic Case Study. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 41(1), 19-31. (Impact factor: 1.250) Allsopp, D.H., & Lovin, L., & Vaningen, S. (2018) Teaching Mathematics Meaningfully: Solutions for Reaching Struggling Learners (2nd edition). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing, Co. Hoppey, D.,Allsopp, D., & Hahn, S. (2017). The USF-Pepin Academy Summer Institute: Preparing pre-service teachers within an urban charter school to work with students with disabilities. In D. Yendol-Hoppey, D. A. Shanley, D. C. Delane, & D. Hoppey (Eds.),Working Together: Enhancing Urban Educator Quality through School-University Partnerships.(Chapter 7, pp 105-125). Information Age Publishing:Charlotte, NC. Allsopp, D.H., Lovin, L., & Vaningen (March/April 2017). Supporting mathematics proficiency: Strategies for new special education teachers. Teaching Exceptional Children, 49(4), 273-283. van Ingen, S. Eskelson, S., & Allsopp, D.H. (2016). The need to prepare prospective teachers to engage in mathematics consultations. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 18(2), 73-91. Allsopp, D. H., van Ingen, S., Simsek, O., & Haley, K. C. (2016). Building to algebra: Big ideas, barriers, and effective practices. InBridging the Gap Between Arithmetic & Algebra(pp. 21-50). Council for Exceptional Children. Allsopp, D.H. & Haley, K.C. (2015). A Synthesis of Research on Teacher Education, Mathematics, and Students with Learning Disabilities. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 13(2), 177206. Farmer, J.L., Allsopp, D.H., & Ferron, J. (2015). Impact of The Personal Strengths Program on Self-Determination Levels of College Students with LD and/or ADHD. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 38(3), 145-159. (Impact factor: 1.250) Allsopp, D.H., Farmer, J., Hoppey, D. (2015). Preservice teacher education and response to intervention within multi-tiered systems of support: What can we learn from research and practice? S. R. Jimerson, M. K. Burns, & A. M. VanDerHeyden (Eds.), Handbook of Response to Intervention: The Science and Practice of Multi Tiered Systems of Support (2nd ed.). New York: Springer. VanDerHeyden, A., & Allsopp, D. (2014). Innovation configuration for mathematics (Document No. IC-6). Retrieved from University of Florida, Collaboration for Effective Educator, Development, Accountability, and Reform Center website: http://ceedar.education.ufl.edu/tools/innovation-configuration/ Allsopp, D.H., Farmer, J.L., Hoppey, D., & Kamp, B. (2013). Adapting core mathematics curricula to meet the needs of students with disabilities. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(4), p. 1-14. www.cec.sped.org/TECplus Allsopp, D.H., Colucci, K., Doone, E, Perez, L., Bryant, E., & Hohlfeld, T. (2012). Interactive White Board Technology for Students with Disabilities: A Yearlong Exploratory Study. Journal of Special Education Technology, 27(4), 1-15. Allsopp, D.H. & Hoppey, D. (2011). Critical questions about math RTI. Principal Leadership, 12(3), 38-43. Allsopp, D.H., Alvarez-McHatton, P., & Farmer, J.L. (2010). Technology, mathematics PS/RTI, and students with LD: What do we know, what have we tried, and what can we do to improve outcomes now and in the future. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 33(4), 273-288. (Impact factor: 1.250) Allsopp, D.H., Alvarez McHatton, P., Ray, S.N.E., & Farmer, J. (2010). Mathematics RTI: A Problem Solving Approach to Creating an Effective Model. Horsham, PA: LRP Publications. Minskoff, E., & Allsopp, D. (2010). Academic Success Strategies for Adolescents with Learning Disabilities and ADHD. Korean translation by Sigma Press. Allsopp, D.H. (2010). Realizing the Potential: How Comprehensively are Schools Implementing RTI? National Council for Learning Disabilities, RTI ActionNetwork, http://www.rtinetwork.org/professional/forums-and-webinars/rti-leadership-forum/rti-leadership-forum-panel-1/rti-leadership-forum-panel-1-paper. (Paper Presented at the Monitoring the Progress of the Response to Intervention Movement: A Leadership Forum. National Council for Learning Disabilities, Washington D.C., Dec. 8.) Allsopp, D.H., Alvarez-McHatton, P., & Cranston-Gringas, A. (2009). Examining perceptions of the systematic integration of instructional technology in a teacher education program. Teacher Education in Special Education, 32(4), 337-350. (Impact factor: 1.841) Dieker, L.A., Lane, H.B., Allsopp, D.H., OBrien, C., Butler, T.W., Kyger, M., Lovin, L., & Fenty, N.S. (2009). Evaluating Video Models of Evidence-Based Instructional Practices to Enhance Teacher Learning. Teacher Education in Special Education, 32(2), 180-196. (Impact factor: 1.841) Ray, S. N. E., Gerretson, H. & Allsopp, D.H. (Spring, 2009). The algebraic literacy library: Linking math concepts to diverse student population contexts. Colorado Reading Council Journal, 20(1), 20-26. Mihalas, S., Morse, W.C., Allsopp, D.H., and Alvarez McHatton, P. (2009). Cultivating Caring Relationships Between Teachers and Secondary Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Implications for Research and Practice. Remedial and Special Education, 30(2), 108-125. Allsopp, D.H. (2009). Mathematics RTI. In The RTI Answer Book. Learning Resource Publications: Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Allsopp, D.H., Kyger, M., Lovin, L., Gerretson, H., and Ray, S. (2008). Mathematics dynamic assessment: A comprehensive tool to guide mathematics instruction for struggling learners. Teaching Exceptional Children, 40(3), 6-17. Alvarez-McHatton, P., Allsopp, D.H., Cranston-Gingras, A., Doone, E., Colucci, K., and DeMarie, D. (2008). Bridging the Gap Between Theory And Practice with Professional Development Schools: Looking Back, Reflecting on the Present, And Pondering the Future. In J. Guadarrama, J. Ramsey, and J.L. Nath (Eds.) Professional Development Schools Professional Development Schools Research Book Series (Vol. 3). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc. Witzel, B., & Allsopp, D.H. (2007). Dynamic concrete instruction in inclusive classrooms. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 13(4), 244-248. Allsopp, D.H., Kyger, M.M., & Lovin, L. (2007). Teaching Mathematics Meaningfully: Solutions for Reaching Struggling Learners. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing, Co. Allsopp, D.H., McHatton-Alvarez, P., DeMarie, D., & Doone, E. (2006). Bridging the gap between theory and practice: Connecting course and field experiences. Teacher Education Quarterly, 33(1),19-35. Minskoff, E.H. & Allsopp, D.H. (2006). Stratgies d apprentissage et russite au secondaire: Un passeport pour les lves en difficult. Adaptation by Hlne Boucher. Montreal: Chenelire Education. Allsopp, D.H., McHatton, P. A., Thomas, D., Knopp, T. & Voytecki, K. (2006). Special Education in the American High School in K. M. Borman, S. E. Cahill, & B. A. Cotner (Eds.), Praeger Handbook of the The American High School. Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Publishing Group. Knopp, T. Y., Voytecki, K., Allsopp, D.H., & Alvarez McHatton, P. (2006). Attention-deficit / Hyperactivity disorder in K. M. Borman, S. E. Cahill, & B. A. Cotner (Eds.). Praeger Handbook of the The American High School. Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Publishing Group. Allsopp, D.H., Kyger, M., & Lovin, L. (2006). Teaching Algebraic Thinking. In P. Hudson & S. Miller (Eds.), Designing and Implementing Mathematics to Students with Diverse Learning Needs. Boston: Allyn & Bacon an imprint of Pearson Education. Allsopp, D.H., Minskoff, E.H. and Bolt, L. (2005). Individualized Course-Specific Strategy Instruction for College Students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD: Lessons from a model demonstration project. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 20(2)103-118. Smith, S. & Allsopp, D.H. (2005). Technology and Inservice Professional Development: Integrating an Effective Medium to Bridge Research to Practice. In D. Edyburn, K. Higgins, & R. Boone (Eds.), Handbook of Special Education Technology Research and Practice. Knowledge By Design: Whitefish Bay, WI. Lovin, L., Kyger, M., Allsopp, D.H. (2004). Differentiation for Special Needs Learners. Teaching Children Mathematics, 11(3), 158-167. Allsopp, D.H. & Minskoff, E (2003). The learning toolbox: An on-line instructional resource for students with learning disabilities & ADHD, Their Teachers, and Parents. Journal of International Special Needs Education, 6, 43-45. Allsopp, D.H., Lovin, L., Green, G., & Savage-Davis, E. (2003). Why students with learning problems have trouble learning mathematics and what teachers can do to help. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 8(6), 308-314. Minskoff, E.H., Allsopp, D.H. (2003). Academic success strategies for adolescents with learning disabilities & ADHD. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Lane, H. B., Ziegert, C. C., Jordan, L., Allsopp, D. H., Moriarty, T.A., Dede, D. E., & Conway, T. W. (2001). Student-athletes with learning disabilities: Unique problems, unique solutions. Academic Athletic Journal, 15(1), 59-75. Allsopp, D.H., Santos, K. E., & Linn, R. (2000). Collaborating to teach prosocial skills. Intervention in School and Clinic, 35(3), 141-146. Allsopp, D. H. (1999). Using modeling, manipulatives, and mnemonics with eighth-grade math students. Teaching Exceptional Children, 32(2), 74-81. Allsopp, D. H., & Kyger, M. M. (1999). MathVIDS user manual: Effective math instructional strategies for students who have learning problems. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education. Allsopp, D. H. (1997). Using classwide peer tutoring to teach beginning algebra problem solving skills in heterogeneous classrooms. Remedial and Special Education, 16(6), 367-379. Mercer, C. D., Lane, H. B., Jordan, L. J., Allsopp, D. H., Eisele, M. R. (1997). Empowering teachers and students with instructional choices in inclusive settings. In G. Bunch & A. Valeo (Eds.), Inclusion: Recent research (pp. 149-150). Toronto, Ontario: Inclusion Press. Mercer, C. D., Jordan, S. L., Allsopp, D.H., Mercer, A. R. (1996). Learning disabilities definitions and criteria used by state education departments. Learning Disability Quarterly, 19, 217-232. Mercer, C. D., Jordan, S. L., Allsopp, D. H., Lane, H. B., & Eisele, M. (1996). Empowering teachers and students with instructional choices in inclusive settings. Remedial and Special Education, 17(4), 226-236. Allsopp, D.H. (1994). Peer tutoring and students with mental retardation. Transition Focus: Graduate Students' Perspectives, 1 (1), 4-10. Technology/Media/Other Creative Works Allsopp, D.H., Contributor (2020). Progress Monitoring: Mathematics Module. IRISCenter. Vanderbilt University, Peabody College. Allsopp, D.H., van Ingen, S., Simsek, O., Broughton, A.J., & Willson, A. (contracted/in review). Geometry. Common Core State Standards for Mathematics Practices. IRIS Center, Vanderbilt University, Peadbody College. (I was invited to author a unit on teaching Geometry for students with disabilities and other struggling learners by the IRIS Center. My co-authors and I submitted our initial draft for review.) Allsopp, D.H., Crocker, D., Steinmetz, R., & Kelleher, K. (2010). Differentiated Mathematics Instruction. Professional Development Activities (PDA), Florida Diagnostic Learning and Resource Systems, Department of Education, State of Florida. This is a 30-hour online professional development resource consisting of 5 interactive modules that will be included in the State of Floridas online Professional Development Activities (PDA) site. This site provides for credit professional development for Florida teachers. Allsopp, D.H. (2009). Professional Development for Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices for Struggling Learners. Florida PROMISE, Florida Department of Education. This multimedia CD was developed in conjunction with Project Florida PROMISE and funded by the Florida Department of Education and the US Department of Education. Allsopp, D.H., Kyger, M., Ingram, R., and Lovin, L. (2006). MathVIDS2 Learning Community. Virginia Department of Education.  HYPERLINK "http://wiki.coe.jmu.edu/MathVIDSLC/11" http://wiki.coe.jmu.edu/MathVIDSLC/11 This website was developed to accompany the revised MathVIDS website (MathVIDS 2). The purpose of this site is to provide groups of preservice and/or inservice educators an approach to professional development through the MathVIDS website that emphasizes collaborative learning and an online vehicle for communicating and sharing ideas about what they are learning among individuals in their learning community. Allsopp, D.H., Kyger, M., Ingram, R., and Lovin, L. (2006). MathVIDS2. Virginia Department of Education.  HYPERLINK "http://coe.jmu.edu/mathvids2" http://coe.jmu.edu/mathvids2 MathVIDS2 represents a significant revision to the original MathVIDS website published in 2001. Additional content and online video has been included and existing content has been updated. Substantial reorganization of the websites structure and design also was completed. Allsopp, D.H. (2004). Mathematics. Special Connections: Connecting Teachers to Strategies That Help Students with Special Needs Successfully Access the General Education Curriculum. Project of National Significance (CFDA #84.325N) funded through the Office of Special Education Programs. Co-PIs Suzanne M. Robinson & Sean J. Smith, University of Kansas:  HYPERLINK "http://www.specialconnections.ku.edu" http://www.specialconnections.ku.edu. This is an interactive online learning resource for preservice and inservice teachers written to assist teachers to implement effective mathematics instructional practices for students with special needs. Minskoff, E.H., Allsopp, D.H., & Kyger, M.M. (2002). The Learning Toolbox: A Learning Strategy Resource for High School and College Students with Learning Disabilities & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Website. Funded through U.S. Department of Education.  HYPERLINK "http://coe.jmu.edu/learningtoolbox" http://coe.jmu.edu/learningtoolbox. This website provides high school and college students who have LD & ADHD and those teachers and service providers who work with them, a comprehensive resource for accessing research based learning strategies for content based courses. Allsopp, D.H. (2002) The Learning Toolbox Video. Developed digital video clips for integration in Learning Toolbox Website. Includes writing video scripts, training video participants, shooting video, recording audio narration, editing video and audio clips, and compressing video clips in suitable web-based format. Also produced in VHS format for training purposes. Allsopp, D.H., Ingram, R.E., & Kyger, M.M. (2001). MathVIDS: Effective Math Instructional Strategies for Students Who Have Learning Problems. Web-site. Virginia Department of Education.  HYPERLINK "http://coe.jmu.edu/mathvidsr" http://coe.jmu.edu/mathvidsr. This is an interactive website that provides access to research based effective math instructional strategies and includes video clips of model teachers implementing the instructional strategies. This website was adapted from the MathVIDS CD-ROM. Allsopp, D. H., Ingram, R. E., & Kyger, M. M. (2001). MathVIDS Teaching Plans: Mathematics instructional development series: Effective Math Instructional Strategies for Students Who Have Learning Problems. CD-ROM. Virginia Department of Education. Teaching plans that describe how the effective mathematics instructional strategies modeled in the MathVIDS website can be integrated to teach important K-5 mathematics concepts/skills were developed. Plans include video models of teachers and address concrete, representational, and abstract level instruction. Allsopp, D. H., Ingram, R. E., & Kyger, M. M. (1999). MathVIDS: Mathematics instructional development series: Effective Math Instructional Strategies for Students Who Have Learning Problems. CD-ROM. Virginia Department of Education. Santos, K., Allsopp, D.H., Kyger, M., Linn, R. (1998). Navigating the Nebulous Nexus Between Assessment, IEP, and Instruction. Paper presented at the Learning Disabilities Association International Conference. Garden Grove, CA: InfoMedia. (Audio Cassette) Curricula Developed Allsopp, D.H. Developing Mathematics Literacy Initiative (DML-I). The DML-I is an intervention process for students in need of intensive mathematics support for number, operations, and algebraic thinking. The DML-I integrates practices from the special education and mathematics education research literature. Research on the DML-I has already been conducted with preservice teacher candidates and teachers/students in a K-2 setting. Future activities include a formative research design study with a teacher and elementary students and a single case study in 2014. Allsopp, D.H. The Building Algebra Skills Series: Effective Teaching Strategies for Students Experiencing Difficulty Learning Pre-Algebra and Beginning Algebra Skills (2001). A curriculum developed to assist middle & secondary level teachers to teach pre-algebra and beginning algebra skills to students with learning problems. Includes 4 units that incorporate effective math instructional approaches for students with learning problems: Unit 1- Evaluating Expressions for Given Values of Variables and Writing Algebraic Expressions for Word Statements; Unit 2 - Order of Operations and Properties of Rational Numbers; Unit 3 - Absolute Value and Integers; Unit 4 - Solving One-Variable Algebra Equations and One-Variable Algebra Equation Word Problems. PRESENTATIONS Invited Keynote Addresses 2/25 Are we Empowering Students with Learning Disabilities to Thrive in a Rigorous General Education Curriculum? 62nd International Learning Disabilities Association Conference, Orlando, FL. 2-17 LDA Awards Luncheon. Baltimore, MD. 11-10 Towards Solving the Mathematics RTI Problem. Response to Intervention 2010-2011: Thinking, Responding, Results Conference. Region 10 Education Service Center, Dallas, TX: November 10, 2010. 12-10 Realizing the Potential: How Comprehensively Are Schools Implementing RTI? Monitoring the Progress of the Response to Intervention Movement: A Leadership Forum. National Center for Learning Disabilities and RTI Action Network. Washington D.C.: December 8, 2010 10-08 Its More Than AYP: Its Their Lives! Eastern Pennsylvania Association of Special Education Administrators. Hershey, PA 2-08 Math on the Planes . Colorado Council for Learning Disabilities and International Dyslexia Association Rocky Mountain Branch. Denver, CO. 11-04 Strategies for Success: Learning Disabilities in the Age of the NCLB, Standards and High Stakes Testing. 36th Annual Conference of the Learning Disabilities Association of Oklahoma. Oklahoma City, OK. Invited Speaker International/National 2-24 Van ingen Lauer, S., Allsopp, D.H., McHale-Small, M. (Feb. 2024). The LDA International SLD Mathematics Forum: Highlights and Future Directions. The 61st International Association of America Conference. Orlando, FL. 2-24 Allsopp, D.H., Hoppey, D.H., Fogel, K., & van Ingen Lauer, S. (Feb. 2024). Preparing Teachers to Effectively Support Students with SLD: The Current State and What is Needed. The 61st International Learning Disabilities Association of America Conference. Orlando, FL. 10-23 Van Ingen Lauer & Allsopp, D.H. Supporting Algebra Success for Struggling Learners: Go Slow to Go Fast. Indiana Non-Public School Conference. Indianapolis, IN. 10-23 van Ingen Lauer & Allsopp, D.H. Engaging Secondary (6th-12th) Struggling Learners in the Mathematical Practices: Why and How?. Indiana Non-Public School Conference. Indianapolis, IN. 7-23 Allsopp, D.H. & van Ingen Lauer, S. Mathematics and Students with Down Syndrome: A Vision for Success. NationalDown Syndrome Congress 51 AnnualConvention, Orlando, FL. 2-18 Sweigart, C., Collins, L., Lewis, T., Freeman, J., Myers, D., Scruggs, T., Mastropieri, M., Vaughn, S., Aitken, A., Barkel, A., Fulton, M.L., Allsopp, D., Coyne, M. Program Chair Featured: Research to Practice: Tips and Tools for Beginning Special Educators. Council for Exceptional Children International Conference. Tampa, FL. 4-12 Allsopp, D.H. Preparing Special Education Teachers Working in Mathematics Secondary School Environments. Teacher Education Strand: Moving Toward An Expert Profession (Strand Leaders: Mary Brownell & Bonnie Billingsley). The Council for Exceptional Children 2012 Convention and Expo. Denver, CO. 12-10 Allsopp, D.H. Realizing the Potential: How Comprehensively Are Schools Implementing RTI? Monitoring the Progress of the Response to Intervention Movement: A Leadership Forum. National Council for Learning Disabilities (NCLD). Washington, D.C. 8-07 Allsopp, D.H. Response to Intervention: Effective Mathematics Instruction for Struggling Learners. LRP Publications. (National/International Online Presentation) 6-07 Allsopp, D.H. Mathematics Dynamic Assessment: Finding Out What You Need To Know In Order To Make Effective Mathematical Instructional Decisions. Lancaster-Lebanon IU 13, 14th Annual Special Education Conference, Pennsylvania Department of Education, Lancaster, PA. 6-07 Allsopp, D.H. Effective Mathematics Instruction for Struggling Learners: The MathVIDS Online Resource. Lancaster-Lebanon IU 13, 14th Annual Special Education Conference, Pennsylvania Department of Education, Lancaster, PA. 5-07 Allsopp, D.H. Making Math Meaningful for All Students: Powerful Teaching Strategies that Work C-R-A Assessment and Instruction. Mid-West Regional Support Center, BOCES, New York Department of Education, Rochester, NY. 7-06 Allsopp, D.H. Dynamic Mathematics Assessment. Adequate Yearly Progress Conference. Penn Stater Conference Center. Pennsylvania State University. Pennsylvania Assessment and Teaching Technical Assistance Network (PATTAN), Pennsylvania Department of Education. 7-06 Allsopp, D.H. Why Students with Learning Problems Have Difficulty Learning Mathematics. Penn Stater Conference Center. Pennsylvania State University. 10-06 Allsopp, D.H., Lovin, L., Kyger, M.M., & Ray, S. Teaching Algebraic Thinking for Students with Learning Disabilities. 28th International Council on Learning Disabilities Conference. McClean, VA. 10-05 Allsopp, D.H. Why Students with Learning Problems Have Difficulty Learning Mathematics and What You Can Do To Help. Pennsylvania Technical and Training Network (PATTAN). Pittsburg, PA. 10-05 Allsopp, D.H. Why Students with Learning Problems Have Difficulty Learning Mathematics and What You Can Do To Help. Pennsylvania Technical and Training Network (PATTAN). Great Valley, PA. 10-05 Allsopp, D.H. Why Students with Learning Problems Have Difficulty Learning Mathematics and What You Can Do To Help. Pennsylvania Technical and Training Network (PATTAN). Harrisburg, PA. 10-04 Allsopp, D.H. Developing Effective Mathematics Instruction for Students with Learning Problems. Wichita State University, College of Education. Wichita, KS. Allsopp, D.H. Explicit Mathematics Instruction for Students with Learning Problems: Why it Works and How To Do It. State of Virginia Governors Best Practice Center SOL Content Academy. James Madison University (two presentations). 6-01 Allsopp, D.H. Differentiating Mathematics Instruction By Making Effective Mathematics Instructional Decisions. State of Virginia Governors Best Practice Center SOL Content Academy. James Madison University (four presentations over three days). 11-98 Mandlebaum, L.H., Smith, S.J., Santos, K.E., & Allsopp, D.H. Infusing the Internet Into Teacher Education: Preparing the Next Generation Part I. Teacher Education Division (CEC) National Conference. Dallas, TX (November 11-12). 11-98 Mandlebaum, L.H., Smith, S.J., Santos, K.E., & Allsopp, D.H. Infusing the Internet Into Teacher Education: Preparing the Next Generation Part II. Teacher Education Division (CEC) National Conference. Dallas, TX (November 11-12) International/National Presentations 2-24 Van ingen Lauer, S. Allsopp, D.H., & McHale-Small, M. (February 2024). Raising Mathematics Teachers Awareness of the New Principles and Standards of Specific Learning Disability Evaluations. American Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. 2024 Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Orlando, FL 4-24. van Ingen Lauer, S., Allsopp, D.H., & McHale-Small, M. (April 2024). We Must Do Better: An Interdisciplinary Revision of Specific Learning Disabilities Evaluation Standards. 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Conference. Philadelphia, PA 4-24. Abanto, O.A, Dukes, L., and Allsopp, D.H. (April 2024). Transitioning to Postsecondary Education: Influence of Career and Technical Education on Students with Learning Disabilities. 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Conference. Philadelphia, PA. 2-23. Allsopp, D.H., Eibeheri, G., McHale-Small, M., Quintan, K., Tridas, E., & van Disabilities. Las Vegas, NV. 12-23 Gunn, A., Bennett, S., et al., (Dec. 2023). Childrens Literature as a Tool for Hearing All Voices in the Classroom. Literacy Research Associations 73rd Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. 10-23 Tridas, E. & Allsopp, D.H. (Oct. 2023). The LDA SLD Evaluation Principles and Standards. International Dyslexia Association Conference. Indianapolis, IN. 2-20 Allsopp, D.,Burns, R. W.,McCorvey, J.*, Hailey-Brown, L.+, Bowling, R. +*, & Clark, D., (2020, February).Keeping it relevant: Keeping and learning from teacher leaders in an urban Title 1 elementary PDS.Presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Professional Development Schools in Atlantic City, NJ. 2-20 Broughton, A.J. & Allsopp, D.H. 2020). Coaching for Consciousness: Supporting Learning and Language Needs of Emergent Bilinguals in Shared Reading Lessons. Council for Exceptional Children 2020 Special Education Convention and Expo. February 5-8, 2020. Portland, Oregon. 7-21 vanIngen-Lauer, S., Allsopp, D.H., Eskelson, S., Capellini, V.L.M.F., Steffen-Johannsen, S., Bock, A.S., & Maturana, A.P. Preparing teachers for mathematics and special education consultations: A collaboration across four continents. International Mathematical Commission on Mathematical Instruction 14 Conference. Shanghai, China. 2-19 vanIngen-Lauer, S., Allsopp, D.H., Eskelson, S. (2019). Preparing Mathematics and Special Education Teachers to Engage in Content-Specific Consultations: Research Across Four Continents. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Orlando, FL. 4-18 Yendol-Hoppey, D., Hoppey, D., Jacobs, J., Burns, R., Allsopp, D., Ellerbrock, C.R. Developing Professional Development School Clinical Practice Framework for Planning and Resourcing Teacher Education. American Education Research Association Annual Conference. New York, NY. 2-18 Broughton, A.J. & Allsopp, D.H. Seeing Through the Fog: The Circles of Knowledge Applied in One School's RTI Process For Identifying ELLs With LD, aMulti-Presentation Session. Council for Exceptional Children International Conference. Tampa, FL. 10-17 Hoppey, D., Allsopp, D.H., Haley, K., White, A., & Broughton, A.J. Coursework and Clinically Rich Field Experiences: Connecting Teacher Candidates to Practice. 40th Annual Conference of the Teacher Education Division (Council of Exceptional Children). Savannah, GA. 3-16 Haley, K., Urquhart, C., Hoppey, D., & Allsopp, D.H. Matching Schools and Universities: Cultivating a Transformational Partnership for a Collaborative Culture. National Association for Professional Development Schools, Washington, D.C. 3-16 Burns, R. W., Hoppey, D., Allsopp, D., & Yendol-Hoppey, D. Generating PDS possibility and practicality thinking for clinically rich teacher education within colleges of education: Implications for faculty in PDS. National Association for Professional Development Schools, Washington, D.C. 1-16 Vaningen, S., Eskelson, S., & Allsopp, D. H. Preparing preservice teachers to leverage mathematics consultations to Meet the Needs of Students with Exceptionalities. Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference, Irvine, CA. 10-15 Simsek, O. & Allsopp, D.H. Game-based App for Students with MLD. Council for Learning Disabilities 37th Annual Conference. Las Vegas, NV. 4-15 Hoppey, D., Riley, M., Allsopp, D.H., Hahn, S. Outcomes of Clinically Rich Teacher Education: Prospective Special Education Teachers? Perspectives. Council for Exceptional Children 2015 Convention & Exposition. San Diego, CA. 3-15 Allsopp, D.H., Hoppey, D., Haley, K., ODea, B., & Urquhart, C. Too Be Or Not To Be, A Special Education Teacher Amid Growing Post-NCLB Demands. National Association for Professional Development Schools Conference, Atlanta, GA. 3-15 Allsopp, D.H., Hoppey, D., Haley, K., ODea, B., Tang, K., & Urquhart, C. From Mentee To Mentor: Leadership Development Of Early Career And experienced Educators Within A University/School Partnership In Special Education. National Association for Professional Development Schools Conference, Atlanta, GA. 2-15 Vaningen, S., Eskelson, S., & Allsopp, D.H. Consultation between Elementary and Special Education Preservice Teachers: On the Journey toward Equitable Mathematics Teaching. 2015 American Association of Mathematics Education, Orlando, FL. 10-14 Allsopp, D.H., Ray, S., and Haley, K. Imbedding a mathematics instructional framework through an iterative process in a teacher preparation program. 36th International Conference On Learning Disabilities. 02-14 Hoppey, D., & Allsopp, D.H. Benefits and Challenges of Connecting Theory to Practice: Examining the Impact on Teacher Candidate and K-12 Student Learning. National Association for Professional Development Schools Conference, Las Vegas, NV. 02-14 Haley, K.C., Urquhart, C., Hoppey, D., & Allsopp, D.H. Collaborative mentoring with teacher candidates between the university and the school. National Association for Professional Development Schools Conference, Las Vegas, NV. 11-13 Riley, M., Hoppey, D., Allsopp, D.H., Hahn, S., & Frier, A. Learning To Teach During an Innovative Summer Practicum: Understanding Teacher Candidates Perspectives. 36th Annual Conference of the Teacher Education Division (CEC). Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 11-13 Farmer, J.L., Allsopp, D.H., & Haley, K. Infusing intervention research into teacher education programs: Improving teacher education. 36th Annual Conference of the Teacher Education Division (CEC). Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 4-13 Cranston-Gingras, A., Allsopp, D.H., Rivera-Singletary, G., & Rademaker, S. RTI along the stream: Implementing multi-tiered intervention systems to support migrant students with disabilities. National Association of State Directors of Migrant Education Conference. Orlando, FL. 2-13 Hoppey, D., Allsopp, D.H., Cahill, E., & Urquhart, C. Mathematics Collaboration and Problem Solving: Impact of a Summer Institute on Pre-Service Teacher and K-12 Student Learning. National Association for Professional Development Schools Conference, New Orleans, LA. 11-12 Allsopp, D.H., Ray, S.N.L, & Farmer, J.L. The Developing Algebraic Literacy (DAL) Framework: A Possible Tool for Effective Mathematics Instruction. The 38th Annual Teacher Education Division Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. 11-12 Allsopp, D.H., Hoppey, D., Hahn, S., Frier, A., & Rademaker. Mathematics RtI: One Program's Efforts to Enhance Teacher Candidates' Knowledge and Skills. The 38th Annual Teacher Education Division Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. 11-12 Hoppey, D., Riley, M., Frier, A., Hahn, S., & Allsopp, D.H. Special Education Teacher Candidates Perspectives of an Innovative Summer School Practicum. The 38th Annual Teacher Education Division Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. 11-12 Hoppey, D., Mickelson, A., Riley, M. Hahn, S., & Allsopp, D.H. Learning To Teach: The Lived Experience Of Prospective Special Education Teachers. The 38th Annual Teacher Education Division Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. 3-12 Hoppey, D., Allsopp, D.H., & Ingley Venning, A. Collaboration and Problem Solving: Implementing a Summer Institute to Benefit Pre-service and K-12 Student Learning. National Association for Professional Development Schools Conference, Las Vegas, NV. 2-12 Allsopp, D.H., Ray, S, & Farmer, J.L. The Developing Algebraic Literacy Intervention (DAL-I) for Students with Learning Disabilities: Striving Toward Enhancing Mathematics Outcomes for Students with Learning Disabilities Within Multi-tier Instruction/RtI. The 49th Annual International Learning Disabilities Association of America Conference. Chicago, IL. 2-12 Farmer, J.L., & Allsopp, D.H. The Personal Strengths Intervention (PSI): Promoting Academic Success for Students with Learning Disabilities Through Guided Cognitive Instruction, Self Determination, and Positive Psychology. The 49th Annual International Learning Disabilities Association of America Conference. Chicago, IL. 10-11 Allsopp, D.H., Farmer, J.L., Haley, K. (October, 2011). The Teacher Critical Thinking Inventory: Promoting Social-Emotional/Behavioral Success By Connecting Data to the Identification of Research Supported Practices that Address Individual Teaching and Learning Contexts. 2011 International Council for Children with Behavior Disorders (CCBD) Conference, New Orleans, LA. 4-11 Farmer, J. L. & Allsopp, D. H. (2011, April). The use of self-report data in single-case designs. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. 4-10 Farmer, J.L. & Allsopp, D.H. State of the Field: A Review of the Variation in Methods and Reporting Practices of Contemporary Special Education Meta-Analyses. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference. Denver, CO. 4-10 Owens, C.M., Farmer, J.L., Ferron, J.M., & Allsopp, D.H. The Correspondence Among Alternative Approaches to Summarizing Effects in Single-Case Studies. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference. Denver, CO. 4-10 Farmer, J.L., Owens, C.M., Ferron,J.M., & Allsopp, D.H. The Correspondence Among Alternative Approaches to Summarizing Effects in Single-Case Studies. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference. Denver, CO. 4-09 Allsopp, D.H. & Farmer, J. (2009). The Teacher Critical Thinking Inventory (TCTI) for Supporting the Social-emotional & Behavioral Needs of Students in K-12 Schools. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference. San Diego, CA. 4-08 Allsopp, D.H. & Allsopp, M.M (2008). Misperceptions: Life as an African American Male. Fourth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry and Couch-Stone Symposium. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 4-08 Allsopp, M.M. & Allsopp, D.H. (2008). Discovering Voice Through Documentaries: A Journey with Seven Male Adolescent African-Americans. American Educational Computing Conference. Orlando, FL. 10-07 Lovin, L.H., Kyger, M.M., & Allsopp, D.H. (2007). Lessons Accessible to All: Differentiating Mathematics Instruction. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Regional Conference and Exhibition. Richmond, VA. 4-06 Allsopp, D.H., Adamson, J., Jinli, & Hangauer, J. (2006). A Web-based Mulitmedia Resource for K-12 Pre and In-service Teachers. Society for the Integration of Technology in Education (SITE). Orlando, FL. 11-05 Dieker, L., OBrien, C., Allsopp, D.H., Ray, S., Lane, H., Kyger, M., Lovin, L., & Smith, S. On-line Video Models of Effective Teaching Practices: A Conversation Among Teacher Educators. CEC Teacher Education Division 27th Annual Conference. Portland, ME. 4-05 Kyger, M., Allsopp, D.H., & Lovin, L. These Arent Our Parents Classrooms: Differentiation For Todays Mathematics Lessons. Council for Exceptional Children. New Orleans, LA. 2-04 LDA Minskoff, E.H., & Allsopp, D.H. A Who-To Workshop on Course-Specific Strategy Instruction for Middle & Secondary Students with LD. Forty-first International Learning Disabilities Association Conference. Atlanta, GA. 11-04 Lane, H., Dieker, L., Allsopp, D.H., OBrien, C., Wright, T., Fenty, N., Kyger, M. The Learning Stream: Using Streamed Video to Provide Models of Exemplary Teaching. CEC Teacher Education Division 27th Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM. 4-04 Allsopp, D.H., & Kyger, M.M. Tools for Learning: Effectiveness of Web-Based Learning Strategy Instruction. 2004 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo. New Orleans, LA. 2-04 Minskoff, E.H. & Allsopp, D.H. Enabling Middle and Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities to Master General Education Course Content. 41st Annual Learning Disabilities Association International Conference. Atlanta, GA. 2-03 Minskoff, E.H. & Allsopp, D.H. A How To Workshop On Course-Specific Strategy Instruction For Middle & Secondary Students with LD. 40th Annual Learning Disabilities Association International Conference. Chicago, IL. 10-02 Allsopp, D.H., DeMarie, D., Alvarez-McHatton, P., Lehman, K. A New Dimension in University-School Partnerships: Linking Course & Field Experiences. 25th Annual TED Conference. Savannah, GA. Minskoff, E.H. & Allsopp, D.H. A How-to Workshop on Course-specific Strategy Instruction for Middle and Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities. 39th Annual Learning Disabilities Association International Conference. Denver, CO. Allsopp, D.H. MathVIDS: Using Technology to Bridge the Research-to-Practice Gap in Special Education. 24th Annual Teacher Education Division (Council for Exceptional Children)Conference. Seattle, WA. 4-01 Smith, S. & Allsopp, D.H. Research-to-Practice Gap: Technology Bridging the Gap. 2001 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference. Seattle, WA. Smith, S. & Allsopp, D.H. Bridging the Research-to-Practice Gap: MathVIDS Instructional Series. 2001 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference. Seattle, WA. Minskoff, E.H., Allsopp, D.H., Minskoff, J.G., & Hedrick, M.S. Students With Learning Disabilities Can Be Effective Learners: Results of a Model Demonstration Project. 38th Annual Learning Disabilities Association International Conference. New York, NY. 1-01 Smith, S. J., & Allsopp, D.H. Technology innovations (MATH VIDS): Bridging the Research-to-Practice Gap. Technology and Media Division - Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Albuquerque, NM. 11-00 Allsopp, D.H. MathVIDS: Using Technology to Enhance In-Service & Pre-Service Teacher Instructional Development. 23rd annual Conference of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children. Las Vegas, NV. 11-00 Beverly, C.L. & Allsopp, D.H. A New Millennium but an Old Challenge Building Awareness and Skills for Teaching All Learners Through Simulations. 23rd Annual Conference of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children. Las Vegas. 7-00 Allsopp, D.H., Minskoff, J.G., & Hedrick, L. Helping College Students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD Become Strategic Learners. Association for Higher Education and Disability National Conference, Kansas City, MO. 7-00 Allsopp, D.H., Minskoff, J.G., & Hedrick, L. Students with LD and ADHD Can Be Effective Learners: Results of a Model Demonstration Project. Association for Higher Education and Disability National Conference, Kansas City, MO. 4-00 Minskoff, E.H., Allsopp, D.H., & Minskoff, J.G. Helping High School and College Students with Mild Disabilities Become Better Learners. Council for Exceptional Children International Conference, Vancouver, CN. 3-00 Minskoff, E.H., Allsopp, D.H., & Minskoff, J.G. Helping College Students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD Become Better Learners. Learning Disabilities Association International Conference, Reno, NV. 11-99 Allsopp, D.H., & Beverly, C.L. Messages Received: Using Mass Medial to Explore Representations of Persons with Diverse Abilities. Teacher Education Division (CEC) National Conference, Palm Springs, CA. 4-99 Minskoff, E.H., Allsopp, D.H., & Minskoff, J.G. A Curriculum-based, Strategy Approach to Postsecondary education for Students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD. CEC National Conference. Charlotte, NC 4-99 Allsopp, D.H., Santos, K.E., Hogan, R., Huggard, C., Birkhead, L., & Loue, N. Preparing Preservice Teachers to Teach Social Skills to Students with Disabilities. CEC National Conference. Charlotte, NC. 4-99 Allsopp, D.H., Santos, K.E., Coe, A., Walk, D. Collaborating to Teach Social Skills. CEC National Conference. Charlotte, NC. 3-99 Santos, K.E. & Allsopp, D.H. Collaborating to Teach Social Skills. ASCD Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA. 2-99 Minskoff, E.H., Allsopp, D.H., & Minskoff, J.G. A Curriculum-based, Strategy Approach to Postsecondary education for Students with Learning Disabilities. LDA International Conference. Atlanta, GA. Lane, H.B., Dede, D., Duckworth, T, Blatz, S., Sutherland, D.W., Garvan, C., Allsopp, D.H., & Macdonald, T. College Student-Athletes with Learning Disabilities: Current Research and Emerging Issues. LDA International Conference. Atlanta, GA. Minskoff, E.H., Allsopp, D.H., & Minskoff, J.G. A Curriculum-based Assessment and Intervention Approach for Students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD. National Transition Association Project Directors Conference. 11-98 Allsopp, D.H. & Santos, K.E. Meaningful Practical Experience in Early Special Education Course Work: Important? Yes! Doable? 21st Annual TED National Conference (CEC), Dallas, TX. 6-98 Minskoff, E.H., Allsopp, D.H., & Minskoff, J.G. A Curriculum-based Assessment and Intervention Approach for Students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD. National Transition Association Project Directors Conference, Washington, DC. 6-98 Beverly, C.L. & Allsopp, D.H. Strategies for Teaching Students Impacted by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education National Conference, Honolulu, HW paper accepted. 5-98 Allsopp, D.H., Santos, K.E., Beverly, C.L., & Linn, R. Dont Wait Until Its Over: Incorporating Quick and Innovative Informal Classroom Assessment Into Your Course. Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching - South. Athens, GA. 4-98 Allsopp, D.H. & Jordan, L.S. The Preparation and the Employment of Educators with Disabilities. Council for Exceptional Children National Conference, Minneapolis, MN. 2-98 Minskoff, E.H., Allsopp, D.H., & Minskoff, J.G. A Different Approach to Post-secondary Education for Students with Learning Disabilities: Curriculum-based Assessment and Intervention. Learning Disabilities Association International Conference, Washington, DC. 2-98 Santos, K.E., Allsopp, D.H., & Kyger, M. Navigating the Nebulous Nexus Between Assessment, IEP, and Instruction. Learning Disabilities Association International Conference. Washington, D.C. 11-97 Allsopp, D.H., Santos, K.E., & Beverly, C.L. Beyond Student Evaluations and Tests: How to Incorporate Quick and Innovative Informal Classroom Assessment Strategies in Your University Courses. 20th Annual Teacher Education Division (CEC) Conference, Savannah, GA. 4-97 Allsopp, D.H. Using Classwide Peer Tutoring to Teach Job Skills to Students with Mental Retardation. Council for Exceptional Children International Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. 2-97 Lane, H., Allsopp, D.H. Leveling the Playing Field: Addressing the Unique Needs of Student-Athletes with Learning Disabilities. Learning Disabilities Association International Conference, Chicago, IL. 11-96 Allsopp, D.H. & Jordan, L. Are We Practicing What We Preach? Preparing Special Educators Who Have Learning Disabilities. 19th Annual Teacher Education Division (CEC) Conference, Dallas, TX. 10-96 Lane, H., Jordan, L., & Allsopp, D.H. Classroom Implications for Context in Learning Basic Literacy Skills. Council for Learning Disabilities Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. 10-96 Allsopp, D.H. & Beverly, C.L. Functional Analysis of Behavior: Have We Covered All the Bases? A Systems Perspective Involving Classroom, Family, and Culture. Sixth Annual Virginia Beach Conference, Virginia Beach, VA. 10-96 Beverly, C.L. & Allsopp, D.H. Behavioral Implications of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Infection and Affection. Sixth Annual Virginia Beach Conference, Virginia Beach, VA. 4-96 Allsopp, D.H. & Jordan, S.L. Teaching Basic Algebra Skills to Middle School Students At Risk of Math Failure. 74th Annual Council for Exceptional Children International Conference, Orlando, FL. 4-96 Allsopp, D.H. & Jordan, L.S. Learning Disabilities Definitions and Criteria Used By State Education Departments. 74th Annual Council for Exceptional Children International Conference, Orlando, FL. 3-96 Allsopp, D.H. Challenges of Teaching Algebra Skills: Implication for the Classroom. Learning Disabilities Association International Conference, Dallas, TX. 10-95 Allsopp, D.H. & Jordan, L. Peer Tutoring and Persons with Mental Retardation: Implications for Work Settings. Division for Career Development and Transition (CEC) National Conference, Raleigh, NC. 11-95 Corbett, N., Allsopp, D.H., Jordan, S.L., & Lane, H. (1995). Preparing Teachers for Diversity through Collaborative Teacher Education. Presentation at the 18th Annual Division of Teacher Education (CEC) National Conference, Honolulu, HI. 3-95 Lane, H., Allsopp, D.H., & Jordan, L. Interventions for Students with Fragile X Syndrome. Learning Disabilities Association International Conference, Orlando, FL. 3-94 Lane, H., Allsopp, D.H., & Jordan, L. Fragile X Syndrome. Learning Disabilities Association International Conference, Washington, DC. 11-93 Allsopp, D.H. Peer Tutoring and Students with Mental Retardation. Southeastern American Association for Mental Retardation Conference, Atlanta, GA. State/Regional Presentations 1-16 Understanding What Students with Learning Disabilities (LD) and Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Experience in School (Part 1). Florida Music Educators Association Pre-Conference. Tampa, FL. Invited Presentation. 1-16 Understanding What Students with Learning Disabilities (LD) and Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Experience in School (Part 2). Florida Music Educators Association Pre-Conference. Tampa, FL. Invited Presentation. 2-13 Allsopp, D.H. & Farmer, J.L. (2013). Reframing the Discussion about CCSS and Students with High Incidence Disabilities. Moving from Standards to Practice: Leading Tomorrows Mathematics and Science Education in South Carolina. Clemson University. 2-13 Allsopp, D.H. & Famer, J.L. (2013). A Framework for Effectively Integrating Students with High Incidence Disabilities into CCSS. Moving from Standards to Practice: Leading Tomorrows Mathematics and Science Education in South Carolina. Clemson University. 6-10 Allsopp, D.H. (2010). ESE 2010 Summer Institute. Connecting Disability Related Learning Characteristics, Instruction and Learning to Improve Outcomes for Your Students. Hillsborough County School District ESE 2010 Summer Institute: Whats So Special About Special ED? 3-09 Allsopp, D.H. (2009). Web Resources for Struggling Learners Including Students with Disabilities-Florida PROMISE. Florida Association of Mathematics Supervisors (FAMS). Orlando, FL. 3-03 Allsopp, D.H., Allsopp, M.M., Jones, S. MathVIDS: Bridging the Research-to-Practice Gap in Teacher Education Using Technology. Symposium on 21st Century Teaching Technologies: A Continuing Series of Explorations, 鶹Ƶ, Tampa, FL. 10-02 Allsopp, D.H. Technology Based Resources for Teacher Preparation: MathVIDS & The Learning Toolbox. The 鶹Ƶ Leadership Conference, Sarasota, FL. 3-01 Allsopp, D.H. Unlocking Middle School Math Problems: Effective Instructional Strategies. Virginia Middle School Association Annual Conference. Northfolk, VA. 2-01 Allsopp, D.H. Helping Children Learn to Manage Their Own Behavior. Valley Association for the Education of Young Children. Harrisonburg, VA. 10-00 Hedrick, L. & Allsopp, D.H. Students with Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Can Be Effective Learners: Results of a Model Demonstration Project. Markers and Milestones: Measuring Student Success in Virginia Conference. Harrisonburg, VA. 3-00 Allsopp, D.H., Kyger, M., & Ingram, R.E. MathVIDS: Mathematics Video Instructional Development Source. James Madison University College of Education and Psychology Teacher Education Unit, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA. 3-00 Allsopp, D.H., Minskoff, E.H., & Minskoff, J.G. Helping College Students with Learning Disabilities and ADHD Achieve Success. Virginia Transition Forum. Williamsburg, VA. 3-00 Allsopp, D.H. MathVIDS: Mathematics Video Instructional Development Source. Virginia International Dyslexia Association Conference, Richmond, VA. Invited Presentation 3-00 Allsopp, D.H. & Kyger, M. MathVIDS: Mathematics Video Instructional Development Source. Virginia Council for Learning Disabilities Conference. Richmond, VA. Invited Presentation 10-99 Allsopp, D.H. & Kyger, M. MathVIDS: Coming to a Computer Near You. The Annual Fall Valley of Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Fort Defiance High School, Fort Defiance, VA. Allsopp, D.H. Teaching Mathematics to Students with Learning Disabilities. 23rd Annual Conference: International Dyslexia Association The Virginia Branch. Richmond, VA. Invited Presentation 11-98 Minskoff, E.H., & Allsopp, D.H. The Sixth Annual Mosier Fellowship Lecture. College of Education and Psychology, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA. 9-98 Minskoff, E.H., Minskoff, J.G., & Allsopp, D.H. Postsecondary Grant Presentation. James Madison University School of Education Faculty Research Forum. James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA. 11-97 Santos, K.E. & Allsopp, D.H. Establish Links: Assessment to IEP to Curriculum to Instruction. Virginia Learning Disabilities Association Annual Conference, Charlottesville, VA. Allsopp, D.H., Jordan, L., Gibbs, E., & Wirt, J. Teaching Basic Algebra Problem Solving Skills. Virginia Learning Disabilities Association Annual Conference, Charlottesville, VA. 10-96 Gibbs, E., Jordan, L., & Allsopp, D.H. (October, 1996). Implementing student-developed transition portfolios to involve students in their transition planning. VISIONS: Focus on School-to-work Conference. Orlando, FL. 10-96 Jordan, L., Allsopp, D.H. Teaching Algebra Problem Solving Skills to Students in Diverse Classrooms. Florida Council for Exceptional Children Conference, Sarasota, FL. 10-95 Allsopp, D.H. & Jordan, L. Interventions in Mathematics for Middle School students. Florida Council for Exceptional Children, Daytona Beach, FL 10-95 Jordan, L. & Allsopp, D.H. Concrete to Semi-Concrete to Abstract Instruction for Fractions Concepts and Skills. Florida Council for Exceptional Children, Daytona Beach, FL. 12-94 Allsopp, D.H. P.K. Yonge Middle School/MDTP At-Risk Intervention and Research Project. Florida Drop-Out Prevention Regional Meeting: Crown Region District Coordinators, Gainesville, FL. 11-94 Allsopp, D.H. Math Assessment and Interventions at P.K. Yonge School. MDTP State Directors Meeting, Gainesville, FL. 3-92 Allsopp, D.H. The Importance of Education. Young Leaders Conference, Marion County School District, Ocala, FL. 4-92 Allsopp, D.H. Successful Interventions for Students with Learning Disabilities. Phi Delta Kappan, Ocala, Florida 4-92 Allsopp, D.H. Current State of Education in Marion County - Panel Member. Leadership Ocala Conference, Ocala, Florida 8-92 Allsopp, D.H. Welcoming Address. Marion County School District Beginning Teacher Orientation, Ocala, FL - Invited Speaker. 11-91 Allsopp, D.H. Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities. Pilot Club, Ocala, FL - Invited Speaker. 3-90 Allsopp, D.H. Successful interventions for Students with Learning Disabilities. Marion County Inservice Day, Ocala, FL Invited Speaker. GRANTS/CONTRACTS Submitted (Funded) Allsopp, D.H. & Hahn, S. (2018). 5th Annual United States Patent and Trademark Office National Summer Teacher Institute on Innovation, STEM, and IP. U.S. Department of Commerce and the 鶹Ƶ. $190,734. PI Feldman, A., Jung, K., Allsopp, D.H., Plank, L. (2018). The Tampa Bay Wipro Fellowships for Improving Science Teaching Project. COSMIC Center, University of Massachusetts Boston/Wipro. $1,100,000. Co-PI Allsopp, D.H. and Hoppey, D. (2014). The USF-Pepin Academies Summer Institute Partnership. USF Foundation Donation from private donor, ESE Undergraduate Program. $30,000. PI Sarah VanIngen, S., Allsopp, D.H., & Eskelson, S. (2015) Reaching All Learners (REAL) Math Consultations. Innovation in Partnership Grants Bank of America Profesional Development Grants, David C. Anchin Center, College of Education, University of South Florida. $1,000. Co-PI Hoppey, D., & Allsopp, D.H. (2015) Special Education Undergraduate Program Professional( Practice Partner Fellows. Innovation in Partnership Grants  Bank of America Professional Development Grants, David C. Anchin Center, College of Education, 鶹Ƶ. $1190. Co-PI Allsopp, D.H. and Hoppey, D. (2014). The USF-Pepin Academies Summer Institute Partnership. USF Foundation Donation from private donor, ESE Undergraduate Program. $32,000. PI Allsopp, D.H. and Hoppey, D. (2015). The USF-Pepin Academies Summer Institute Partnership. USF Foundation Donation from private donor, ESE Undergraduate Program. $30,000. PI Allsopp, D.H. and Hoppey, D. (2016). The USF-Pepin Academies Summer Institute Partnership. USF Foundation Donation from private donor, ESE Undergraduate Program. $30,000. PI Alvarez-McHatton, P., Allsopp, D.H., Kleinhammer-Tramil, J., Cranston-Gingras, A., Colucci, K., & Doone, B. (2007-2011). Project EXPERTISE. USDOE, Office of Special Education Programs, Special Education Preservice Training Improvement Grant (CFDA 84.325T). $500,000. - Co-PI Allsopp, D.H., Colucci, K., & Doone, E. (2008). USF Department of Special Education and Promethean USF Foundation Donation, College of Education Foundation. $70,000. PI Kyger, M., Allsopp, D.H., and Lovin, L. (2005). MathVIDS Revision and Learning Community. Virginia Department of Education. $70,000. Co-PI Allsopp, D.H., Berger, N., Adamson, J., & Corbett, R. (2005). Listening to the Voices of Caregivers. University Community Collaborative Program, 鶹Ƶ. Funded - $15,000. - PI Berger, N., Morse, W., Allsopp, D.H., & Adamson, J. (2004). Project Success. Plan for Social Excellence, Inc. Funded - $240,000. PI Dieker, L., Lane, H.B. & Allsopp, D.H. (2004). The Learning Stream: A Web-based Video Library to Promote Teacher & Student Learning. The Multi-University Reading, Mathematics, and Science Initiative, Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University. $216,000. Co-PI Lavely, C.D., Berger, N., Morse, W., Allsopp, D.H., Knopp, T., & Adamson, J. (2003). Project Success (Planning). Plan for Social Excellence, Inc. Funded - $44,000. Co-PI Minskoff, E.H. & Allsopp, D.H. (2001). Field-Testing The Learning Toolbox An Instructional Website Resource For Secondary Students with Mild Disabilities, Their Teachers, & Their Parents. U.S. Department of Education. Steppingstones of Technology Innovation for Students with Disabilities (CFDA 84.327A) - $400,000 Co-PI Allsopp, D. H., Kyger, M. M., & Ingram, R. E. (1999). Math Video Instructional Development Series (MathVIDS) Part Two. Virginia Department of Education. Funded - $ 89,632. - PI Allsopp, D. H., & Kyger, M. M. (1999). Math Video Instructional Development Series (MathVIDS) Training. Virginia Department of Education. Funded $18,002. PI Allsopp, D. H. (1999). Mathematics Instructional Strategies for Students Who Have Difficulty Achieving Math- Math Video Instructional Development Series (MathVIDS) Part One. Virginia Department of Education. Funded - $77,839. - PI Rexrode, T., Stables, M., Hawkins, D., James, J., Savage-Davis, E., & Allsopp, D.H. (1999). Accelerated Math. Center for School Leadership Grant, School of Education, James Madison University. Funded - $2000. Co-PI Allsopp, D.H., Kyger, M. (1998). Assisting Students with Learning Difficulties to Achieve the Virginia Mathematics Standards of Learning: A Model for Integrating Effective Math Instruction for Students with Learning Problems Via CD-ROM. Virginia Department of Education. Funded - $8,500. -PI Minskoff, E. M., Allsopp, D. H., & Minskoff, J. G. (1998). A Systematic Model for Curriculum-Based Assessment and Intervention for Postsecondary Students with Mild Disabilities. U.S. Department of Education. Model Demonstration: Postsecondary Education Programs for Individuals with Disabilities. Funded - $417,800. Co-PI Allsopp, D.H. (1997) Mathematics Strategies for Students Demonstrating Difficulty in Achieving the Virginia Standards of Learning: Phase 1. Virginia Department Of Education/Eisenhower Grant. Funded - $9,090.72. - PI Minskoff, E. M. & Allsopp, D. H. (1997). Success for College Students with Learning Disabilities: Systematic Assessment and Intervention. Mosier Fellowship Research Award. James Madison University. Funded - $5000. Co-PI Minskoff, E. M. & Allsopp, D. H. (1996.) Developing Videotapes and Instructional Modules for Special Education Methodology Courses. James Madison University Research/Teaching Award. Funded - $3200. Co-PI Submitted (not funded) Schneider, J., Christensen, K., Licato, J., van Ingen Lauer, Allsopp, D., Black, W., & King, J (2024). Rural Roots, Digital Futures: Developing Computer Science Teachers in Every Corner of Polk County, Florida. National Science Foundation, Computer Science Research Practice Partnership competition. ($1,000,000). Mohammadizand, R., Allsopp, D.H., van Ingen Lauer, S. Boccanfuso, L. (Spring, 2023). NSF Convergence Accelerator Track H: Enhancing Problem Solving and Literacy of Students with Special Needs with Intuitive Robot Coaches $749,651. Co-PI van Ingen Lauer, S, Allsopp, D.H., & McHale-Small, M. (May 3, 2023). Improving the Use of Research in Mathematics-Related Learning Disability Evaluations. William T. Grant Foundation. $982,000. Co-PI Walker, B. & Allsopp, D.H. (Spring 2023). Scholars Preparing to Intervene Collaboratively, Effectively, and Early (SPICEE). FY2023 OSEP Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities Program--Preparation of Early Intervention and Special Education Personnel Serving Children with Disabilities who have High-Intensity Needs (ALN #84.325K). $1,100,000. Co-PI Allsopp, D.H., van Ingen, S., & Simsek, O. (2019). The Effects of a Fraction Game Embedded Mathematics Storybook on Fraction Skills of Students with Learning Disabilities. Spencer Foundation. ($50,000) Allsopp, D.H., Simsek, O., Wolgemuth, J., Kim, E.S., Welsh, J., Broughton, J. (2018-2019). ACCESS Fractions. United States Department of Education, Institute for Education Sciences, Special Education Research. $1,400,000. PI Allsopp, D.H. & Simsek, O. (2018) Fractions E-Storybook Intervention for Students with Learning Disabilities. Spencer Foundation. $50,000. PI Allsopp, D.H. & Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2014). Project weTeach (PwT). United States Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement, Teacher Quality Partnership Grant (CFDA # 84.336S). ($7,299,149) Allsopp, D.H., Sullivan, J., & Kersaint, G. (2014). Project ACCESS Tampa Bay Achieving a Comprehensive and Collaborative Evaluation of STEM Success for Underrepresented Groups in the Greater Tampa Bay and Florida Heartland Areas. National Science Foundation, EHR Core Research. ($300,000). George, H., Kincaid, D., Allsopp, D.H., Goldstein, H., Batsche, G., Fox, L. (2014). Project STARS (Scholars in Teaching, Applied Research, and Service). United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, CFDA 84.325D. ($1,200,00). Allsopp, D.H., Yendol-Hoppey, D., Burns, R., Park, S. (2013). Common Core Applications for Diverse Learners in Reading/Literacy, Mathematics, and Science. Promethean World (private contract). $657,765. Kleinhammer-Trammil, J., Hoppey, D., & Allsopp, D.H. (2013). Leadership for Inclusion Through Engaged Scholarship (LITES). USDOE, Offices of Special Education Programs, CFDA# 84.325D. (Submitted, not funded). Allsopp, D.H., Yendol-Hoppey, D., Hoppey, D., & Parker, A. (2012). Project DATA: Exploring the Nature of Classroom Level Data-based Instructional Decisions Among Inservice and Preservice Elementary Teachers and Potential Relationships with Reading and Mathematics Outcomes. USDOE, Institute for Educational Sciences, Education Research, Goal 1 - Effective Teaching and Effective Teachers. (CFDA 84.305). $1,588,121. Allsopp, D.H., Farmer, J.L., Mackiewicz, S., & Milsom, A. (2012). Pathways to Success: Context Specific PD to Enhance the Academic and Behavioral Performance of Students with Disabilities Through Teacher Critical Thinking and Research Supported Effective CM Practices. USDOE, Institute for Educational Sciences, Special Education Research, Goal 2 - Professional Development for Teachers and Related Service Providers (CFDA 84.324A). $1,175,001. Allsopp, D.H., Alvarez McHatton, P., & Farmer, J.L. (2010). Preparing Researchers in Mathematics Problem Solving (PS) / Response To Instruction (RTI). Personnel Development to Improve Serices and Results for Children with Disabilities (CFDA 84.325) Preparation of Leadership Personnel. CFDA 84.325D ($1,186,882.53). Allsopp, D.H., Alvarez McHatton, P. & Dedrick, R. (2009). Interactive White Board Technology and Algebra: Integrating Research-Supported Practices To Improve Outcomes for Students With High-Incidence Disabilities and Those at Risk for Identification of Disabilities. Institute for Educational Sciences (IES), Goal 2: Development. R324A100146 ($1,031,991.00). Alvarez McHatton, P. & Allsopp, D.H. (2009). Examining Teacher Profiles in High Poverty Schools. Institute for Educational Sciences (IES), Goal 1: Exploration. R324A100084 ($1,530,447.00). Allsopp, D.H., Gerretson, H., Ray, S., Duchnowski, A., & Ferron, J. (2006). Developing Algebraic Thinking with Low Achieving Students. Institute for Educational Sciences, Mathematics and Science Research Competition, U.S. Department of Education. (CFDA 84.305B). Application Number: R305B07534. ($1,149,000). Allsopp, D.H., Ray, S., Dieker, L., Lane, H., & Smith, S., & Ferron, J. (2005). The Student Learning Stream. Institute for Educational Sciences, Mathematics and Science Research in Special Education, U.S. Department of Education (CFDA 84.324K06). Application Number: R324K06045. ($1,493,000). Allsopp, D.H., Gerretson, H., Ray, S., Dieker, L., Lane, H., & Smith, S., & Ferron, J. (2005). Improving Algebra Outcomes for Students with Mild Disabilities at the Elementary and Secondary Levels. Institute for Educational Sciences, Mathematics and Science Research in Special Education, U.S. Department of Education (CFDA 84.324K06). Application Number: R324K06054. ($1,483,000) Dieker, L., Lane, H.B., Allsopp, D.H., and Smith. S. (2004). The Learning Stream. National Science Foundation. $1,000,000. Dieker, L., Lane, H.B. & Allsopp, D.H. (2004). The Learning Stream: A Web-based Video Library to Promote Teacher & Student Learning. The Multi-University Reading, Mathematics, and Science Initiative, Learning Systems Institute, Florida State University. $200,000 Allsopp, D.H., Knopp, T., Mchatton-Alvarez, P., Klagget, K. (2003). Opening the Door to Quality Special Education Teacher Preparation Through Multiple Enhanced Pathways. Office of Special Education Programs, U. S. Department of Education. $797,077 Berger, N., Allsopp, D.H., & Knopp, T. (2003). Pilot Case Studies to Identify Characteristics of Teachers Recognized as Highly Successful Managers of Student Behavior. USF Center For Community Partnerships, Community Partnership Faculty Grant Program - $15,000. Not funded. Allsopp, D.H. & Garcia, S. (2003). USF and Seminole: Assessment Partnership for Children. Collaborative for Children, Families, & Communities Faculty Grant Program. 鶹Ƶ. - $11,085 (not funded). Allsopp, D.H., Knopp, T. (2003). Integrating Technology into the Special Education Professional Development Curriculum: Supporting Inquiry-Based Learning to Enhance Pre-service Special Education Teacher Candidates Understanding and Application of Research-Supported Effective Instruction. Innovation in Teaching Grants: Support for Faculty Creativity in Teaching, 鶹Ƶ. $12,000 (not funded) Allsopp, D.H. & Jones, S. (2002). Enhancing Academic Success for College Students with Diverse Learning Needs: Empowering Secondary Institutions to Implement A Research-supported Intervention for Students with Diverse Learning Needs. U.S. Department of Education, Demonstration Projects to Ensure Students with Disabilities Receive a Quality Higher Education Program (CDF-84.333) $677,000. Smith, S. & Allsopp, D.H. (1999). Project Math Wiz: The Web Inclusion Network. U.S. Department of Education, Outreach Projects for Children with Disabilities - $90,000 not funded. Linn, R. J., Santos, K. E., Allsopp, D. H., & Herr, D. E. (1997). ACCESS: Assuring Cooperation and Collaboration in the Education of Special Students. U. S. Department of Education and Office of Special Education Programs. Special Projects Competition under the Training Personnel for the Education of Individuals with Disabilities. (not funded). Santos, K.E., Linn, R., Watson, C., & Allsopp, D.H. (1995) Co-Teaching to Improve Social Skills . Mosier Fellowship. James Madison University (not funded). Consultant on Funded Grants Brownell, M., Sindelar, P., & McCray, E. (2013). The Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR). Technical Assistance and Dissemination Center, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. University of Florida. I co-authored an Innovation Configuration-Mathematics that will be utilized by Institutions of Higher Education to guide how they enhance teacher education in mathematics for students with disabilities and other struggling learners. Blanton, L. (2007). Collaborative Restructuring Effort Across Teacher Education (CREATE) USDOE, Office of Special Education Programs. Special Education Preservice Training Improvement Grants (CFDA 84.325T). Florida International University. I provided the project team with feedback on aspects of the project related to integrating enhancements to preparing teacher candidates to teach mathematics for students with disabilities. Robinson, S.M. & Smith, S.J. (2004). Special Connections: Connecting Teachers to Strategies That Help Students with Special Needs Successfully Access the General Education Curriculum. Project of National Significance (CFDA #84.325N) funded through the Office of Special Education Programs. Kansas University. I authored a module on mathematics that is included in the Special Connections site. Dieker, L. & Berg, C. (2000). Access to Science: Developing Middle and High School Technology Enriched Lessons to Accommodate Students with Disabilities. University of Wisconsin System PK-16 Initiative: Professional Development in Instructional Technology for Teachers Competition. Funded - $70,952. My duties include evaluating instructional strategies and teaching plans that will serve as videotaping guides. Video clips of teachers implementing these instructional strategies will be incorporated into a website designed as an instructional development tool for teachers. Ingram, R. (2000). Teaching Excellence On-line: Web-based Video Models for Implementing NCATE 2000, NETS, and Virginia Education Teacher Standards. PT3, US Department of Education - $500,000. My duties include assisting project director and principal investigators to develop video scripts and incorporate video models of early grades teachers implementing effective technology instructional strategies into a website designed as a teacher instructional development tool. State Level Partnership/Professional Development Pennsylvania (2014-2016) I worked with the Pennsylvania Technical Training and Assistance Network (PaTTAN), Pennsylvania Department of Education, to develop guidelines for the implementation of mathematics Multi-tiered Systems of Support/Response to Intervention (MTSS/RtI), develop professional development tools/resources/delivery, and to pilot the PD and related resources during 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. My primary role was to provide expertise related to effective instructional practice within mathematics RtI and lead the work of the instructional practice team. I worked closely with the curriculum and assessment teams to ensure that all materials/resources and PD were well aligned among these three areas. I also provided face-to-face PD to school teams at three points during the 2015-2016 school year as part of the pilot project. Evaluation data from the project will be utilized to revise and enhance the PD and related materials/resources. Montana (2012-2014) I worked with the Department of Education in Montana to develop and implement professional development across the state to school teams related to effective mathematics instruction within a Response to Intervention model. This work span two years and consisted of working with a state level team composed of building administrators, teachers, curriculum specialists, and RtI specialists to develop professional development materials/resources and provide professional development allowing local school teams to problem solve and plan for improving mathematics instruction within RtI based on their individual school contexts and needs. Iowa (2012-2014) I worked with two state regional professional development consortia in Iowa to support their efforts to improve mathematics instruction within a Response to Intervention (RtI) model. My work included both face-to-face consultation and a virtual professional learning communities (PLC) book study with individuals in state level professional development positions. The PLC book study revolved around a book for which I am lead author, Teaching Mathematics Meaningfully: Solutions for Reaching Struggling Learners (Brookes Publishing Co.). JOURNAL/BOOK/GRANT/PROGRAM REVIEWS 2016-present Editorial Board, Journal of Education 1997-present Consulting Editor, Remedial and Special Education (RASE) 2020-present Invited Reviewer, Teaching EXCEPTIONAL Children (TEC) 2011-2014 Consulting Editor, Teacher Education in Special Education (TESE) 2016-present Consulting Editor, Learning Disabilities Quarterly (LDQ) 2014-present Invited Reviewer, Learning Disabilities Quarterly (LDQ) 2010-present Invited Reviewer, Journal of Special Education (JSE) 2011-present Invited Reviewer, PRISM: A Journal for Regional Engagement 2015 Teaching Elementary Mathematics to Struggling Learners (2015). Bradely S. Witzel, & Mary E. Little. Guilford Press. 2007 Why Is Math So Hard For Some Children?: The Nature and Origins of Mathematical Learning Difficulties and Disabilities, by Daniel B. Berch, Ph.D., and Michele M.M.Mazzocco, Ph.D. Brookes Publishing: Baltimore. (I was asked to review the book by the publisher and I subsequently wrote and endorsement for the book.) 2007 I Suck at Math!: A Psychologist Looks at Why Math Can Be So Hard. Brookes Publishing: Baltimore (I was asked by the publisher to review this manuscript for possible publication). Book/Chapter Review Goor, M.B. Overcoming Challenges Facing Young Writers. Grant reviewer for the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) - Field Initiated Research Grant competition (completed 10 reviews). Guest Reviewer, Remedial and Special Education (RASE). 4-97 External Program Reviewer - graduate and undergraduate special education certification programs, School of Education and Human Development, Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA Grant reviewer for the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) - Field Initiated Research Grant competition (completed 10 reviews). 12-94 Grant reviewer for the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) - Field Initiated Research Grant competition (completed 10 reviews). COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY TEACHING COURSES TAUGHT 鶹Ƶ Fall 2001 EEX 4846: Clinical Teaching for Students with Special Needs EEX 4941: Professional Seminar: Ethics Spring 2002 EEX 4604: Behavior Management for Special Needs and At-Risk Students EEX 6612: Management and Motivation of Exceptional and At-Risk Students EEX 4941: Practicum in Special Education Fall 2002 EEX 4604: Behavior Management for Special Needs and At-Risk Students EEX 6612: Management and Motivation of Exceptional and At-Risk Students EEX 4941: Practicum in Special Education Spring 2003 EEX 4864: Clinical Teaching EEX 4604: Behavior Management for Special Needs and At-Risk Students (supervising doctoral student as instructor) EEX 4941: Practicum in Special Education Fall 2003 EEX 4864: Clinical Teaching EEX 4941: Practicum in Special Education EEX 7815: Research Seminar in Special Education Spring 2004 EEX 4864: Clinical Teaching EEX 4604: Behavior Management for Special Needs and At-Risk Students (supervising doctoral student as instructor) EEX 4941: Practicum in Special Education Fall 2004 EEX 4011: Foundations of Special Education EEX 4941: Practicum in Special Education Spring 2005 EEX 4864: Clinical Teaching EEX 4941: Practicum in Special Education Fall 2005 EEX 4011: Foundations of Special Education EEX 4941: Practicum in Special Education EEX 7941: Directed Research Spring 2006 EEX 4846: Clinical Teaching EEX 4941: Practicum in Special Education Fall 2006 EEX 4011: Foundations of Special Education EEX 4941: Practicum in Special Education EEX 7941: Directed Research Spring 2007 EEX 4846: Clinical Teaching EEX 4941: Practicum in Special Education EEX 7941: Directed Research Fall 2007 EEX 4011: Foundations of Special Education EEX 4941: Practicum in Special Education EEX 6612: Management & Motivation of Exceptional & At-Risk Students Spring 2008 EEX 4846: Clinical Teaching EEX 4941: Practicum in Special Education EEX 6863: Instructional Programming for Students with Exceptionalities EEX 7941: Directed Research Summer 2008 EEX 7980: Dissertation Fall 2008 Sabbatical Leave Spring 2009 Sabbatical Leave Summer 2009 EEX 7815: Research Seminar in Special Education EEX 7911: Grant Writing Techniques and Special Education EEX 7980: Dissertation Fall 2009 EEX 4012: Foundations of Special Education EEX 7341: Research Studies/Implications in Education of Exceptional Children EEX 7911: RTI: Practice, Policy, & Research: Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders EEX 7911: Instructional Technology: Postsecondary Education and Adults with Disabilities EEX 7980: Dissertation Spring 2010 EEX 4846: Clinical Teaching in Special Education EEX 4941: Practicum in Exceptional Student Education EEX 7815: Research Seminar in Special Education EEX 7911: Advanced Research Methods: Assistive Technology and Universal Design for Learning EEX 7980: Dissertation Summer 2010 EEX 7815: Research in Special Education EEX 7911: Examination and Synthesis Special Education Research EEX 7980: Dissertation Fall 2010 EEX 4909: Exceptional Student Education (Level 1 Instructional Block) EEX 4909: Exceptional Student Education (Level 1 Instructional Block) EEX 4909: Exceptional Student Education (Level 1 Instructional Block) EEX 4941: Practicum in Exceptional Student Education EEX 7341: Research Studies/Implications in Education of Exceptional Children EEX 7815: Research Seminar in Special Education EEX 7910: Directed Research EEX 7911: Making Learning Accessible Through Technology EEX 7980: Dissertation Spring 2011 EEX 4909: Exceptional Student Education (Level 2 Instructional Block) EEX 4909: Exceptional Student Education (Level 2 Practicum) EEX 7815: Research Seminar in Special Education EEX 7910: Directed Research EEX 7911: Critical Analysis of Research Designs in Behavioral Interventions EEX 7980: Dissertation Summer 2011 EEX 4909: Exceptional Student Education (Level 3 Instructional Block) EEX 4941: Practicum in Exceptional Student Education EEX 7815: Research Seminar in Special Education EEX 7980: Dissertation Fall 2011 EEX 4909: Exceptional Student Education (Level 4 Instructional Block) EEX 4909: Exceptional Student Education (Level 4 Instructional Block) EEX 4941: Practicum in Exceptional Student Education EEX 7341: Research Studies/Implications in the Education of Exceptional Children EEX 7911: Research in Special Education EEX 7980: Dissertation Spring 2012 EEX 4240: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Beginning to Teach (Level 2 Instructional Block) EEX 4909: Practicum in Exceptional Student Education (Level 2 Practicum) EEX 7815: Research Seminar in Special Education EEX 7980: Dissertation Summer 2012 EEX 4241: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Creating Effective Learning Environments EEX 4941: Practicum in Exceptional Student Education (Level 3 Practicum) Fall 2012 EEX 4242: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Enhancing Expertise in Teaching and Instructional Decision-Making (Level 4 Instructional Block) EEX 7980: Dissertation Spring 2013 EEX 4240: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Beginning to Teach (Level 2 Instructional Block) EEX 4941: Practicum in Exceptional Student Education (Level 2 Practicum) EEX 4244: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Becoming A Teacher (Level 5 Instructional Block) EEX 7980: Dissertation Summer 2013 EEX 4241: Creating Effective Learning Environments EEX 4941: Practicum in Exceptional Student Education (Level 3 Practicum) EEX 7980: Dissertation Fall 2013 EEX 4242: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Enhancing Expertise in Teaching and Instructional Decision-Making (Level 4 Instructional Block) EEX 4202: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Context and Foundations (Level 1 Instructional Block) EEX 4941: Practicum in Exceptional Student Education (Level 4 Practicum) EEX 7980: Dissertation Spring 2014 EEX 4240: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Beginning to Teach (Level 2 Instructional Block) EEX 4244: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Becoming A Teacher (Level 5 Instructional Block) EEX 4941: Practicum in Exceptional Student Education (Level 4 Practicum) EEX 7980: Dissertation Summer 2014 EEX 4241: Creating Effective Learning Environments EEX 4941: Practicum in Exceptional Student Education (Level 3 Practicum) EEX 7980: Dissertation Fall 2014 EEX 4242: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Enhancing Expertise in Teaching and Instructional Decision-Making (Level 4 Instructional Block) EEX 4202: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Context and Foundations (Level 1 Instructional Block) EEX 7815: Research Seminar in Special Education EEX 7980: Dissertation EEX 7301: Critical Analysis of Research and Theory in Instructional Practices in Special Education Spring 2015 EEX 4240: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Beginning to Teach (Level 2 Instructional Block) EEX 7815: Research Seminar in Special Education EEX 7980: Dissertation Summer 2015 EEX 4241: Creating Effective Learning Environments EEX 4941: Practicum in Exceptional Student Education (Level 3 Practicum) EEX 7980: Dissertation Fall 2015 EEX 4242: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Enhancing Expertise in Teaching and Instructional Decision-Making (Level 4 Instructional Block) EEX 4202: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Context and Foundations (Level 1 Instructional Block) EEX 7815: Research Seminar in Special Education EEX 7980: Dissertation EEX 7346: Critical Analysis of Research and Theory in Instructional Practices in Special Education Spring 2016 EEX 4240: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Beginning to Teach (Level 2 Instructional Block) EEX 4941: Practicum in Exceptional Student Education (Level 2 Practicum) EEX 4244: Exceptional Student Education Core Competencies: Becoming A Teacher (Level 5 Instructional Block) EEX 7980: Dissertation Summer 2016 EEX 4241: Creating Effective Learning Environments EEX 4941: Practicum in Exceptional Student Education (Level 3 Practicum) Fall 2019 EEX 4070: Integrating Exceptional Students in the General Education Classroom EEX 7815: Research Seminar in Special Education Spring 2020 EEX 4070: Integrating Exceptional Students in the General Education Classroom EEX 7815: Research Seminar in Special Education Fall 2020 EEX 7745: Historical, Ethical, and Disciplinary Foundations of Special Education EEX 6612: Management & Motivation of Exceptional and At-Risk Students Spring 2021 EEX 7248: Teacher Education: Conceptual EEX 6943: Practicum (Culminating Action Research Project) James Madison University Fall 1995 SPED 201: Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities SPED 501A: Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Problems SPED 462: Field Experience in Special Methods for Teaching Academics to the Disabled Spring 1996 SPED 201: Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities SPED 401: Problems in Special Education SPED 613: Teaching Individuals with Learning and Behavior Problems SPED 480: Student Teaching Supervision Summer 1996 SPED 501: Precision Teaching in Reading and Language Arts SPED 670/675: Student Teaching in Special Education/Learning Disabilities Summer School Co-coordinated a summer school program for K-8 students with learning disabilities that provided a student teaching context for JMU special education graduate students. Provided supervision to student teachers. Fall 1996 SPED 201: Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities ECED 421: Lab in Teaching the Young Child (co-taught with Early Childhood Education Faculty) SPED 462 : Field Experience in Special Methods for Teaching Academics to the Disabled. SPED 480: Student Teaching in Special Education Spring 1997 SPED 201: Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities ECED 421: Lab in Teaching the Young Child (co-taught with Early Childhood Education Faculty) SPED 462: Field Experience in Special Methods for Teaching Academics to the Disabled. Summer 1997 SPED 670/675: Student Teaching in Special Education/Learning Disabilities Summer School Co-coordinated a summer school program for K-8 students with learning disabilities that provided a student teaching context for JMU special education graduate students. Provided supervision to student teachers. Fall 1997 SPED 201: Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities SPED 315: Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs SPED 316: Field Experience in Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs ECED 451: Seminar in Math, Science, and the Integrated Day (co-taught with faculty from Early Childhood Education Program) SPED 462: Field Experience in Special Methods for Teaching Academics to the Disabled. Spring 1998 SPED 201(Section 001): Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities SPED 201(Section 002): Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities SPED 315: Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs SPED 316: Field Experience in Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs SPED 317/18: Teaching Language Arts and Mathematics (co-taught with faculty from Reading Program) ECED 451: Seminar in Math, Science, and the Integrated Day (co-taught with faculty from Early Childhood Education Program) SPED 402: Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities in Secondary Regular Education Classes Summer 1998 SPED 501I: Interventions in Special Education. A course for graduate school psychology students that exposed them to curriculum-based assessment and teaching methods for students with mild disabilities. Fall 1998 SPED 201(Section 001): Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities SPED 201(Section 002): Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities SPED 315: Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs SPED 316: Field Experience in Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs SPED 317/318: Teaching Language Arts and Mathematics (co-taught with faculty from Reading Program) ECED 451: Seminar in Math, Science, and the Integrated Day (co-taught with faculty from Early Childhood Education Program) Spring 1999 SPED 201(Section 001): Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities SPED 201(Section 002): Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities SPED 315: Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs SPED 316: Field Experience in Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs Summer 1999 EDUC 490 International Practicum Experience, Rome, Italy. Co-directed & supervised an international practicum/student teaching experience for early childhood education, special education, middle education, and secondary education teaching minors at Marymount International School in Rome, Italy. Fall 1999 SPED 201(Section 001): Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities SPED 201(Section 002): Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities SPED 315: Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs SPED 316: Field Experience in Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs Spring 2000 SPED 201: Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities SPED 315: Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs SPED 316: Field Experience in Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs Fall 2000 SPED 313: Instructional Programming for Students with Disabilities SPED 314: Field Experience in Instructional Programming for Students with Disabilities SPED 315: Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs SPED 316: Field Experience in Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs EDUC 401A: Characteristics of Exceptional Learners in Middle Grades. Spring 2001 SPED 201: Characteristics of Persons with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities SPED 313: Instructional Programming for Students with Disabilities SPED 314: Field Experience in Instructional Programming for Students with Disabilities SPED 315: Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs SPED 316: Field Experience in Analysis & Design of Behavior Programs EDUC 401A: Characteristics of Exceptional Learners in Middle Grades University of Florida EEX 3603: Data-Based Instruction/Precision Teaching EEX 3220: Assessment in Special Education EEX 3601: Classroom Management EEX 3070: Exceptional Students in the Mainstream (Teaching Assistant) EEX 6863: Supervised Practice in Special Education Furman University Summer 1994 ED 122: Nature of Learning Disabilities ED 132: Educating Individuals with Learning Disabilities GRADUATE COMMITTEES & HONORS THESIS COMMITTEES Doctoral Committees Krysta Salvata-Hayes Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) 2nd year Jennifer Roney Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) 2nd year Samirah Alzahrani- Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) qualifying exams Budur Alsalamah - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) qualifying exams Saeed Alwuthaynani - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) third year Rachel Davis - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) qualifying exams Alycia Boback - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) in candidacy Erica Milor - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) in candidacy Badriah Alotaiby Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) graduated, Spring 2024 Abdelrahman Alzarie - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) - graduated Ahmed Alqahtani - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) - graduated Mazen Almethen - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) - graduated Shaun Burr - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) in candidacy Jessica Hinton - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) - in candidacy Jane Sapp - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) in candidacy Stephanie Austin - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) in candidacy Patricia Tyson Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) in candidacy Rhonda Leslie - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) graduated Spring, 2021 Salman Almughyiri 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor_ - graduated Spring, 2021 Ashley White Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) graduated Summer, 2020 Joy Broughton Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) graduated Summer, 2019 Sarah Binmahfooz Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) graduated Spring, 2019 Aimee Frier Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Co-Major Professor) graduated Summer, 2018 Adhwaa Alahmari Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) graduated Spring, 2018 Mehmet Ozturk Ph. D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) graduated December 2017 Orhan Simsek Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) graduated Spring 2016 Maya Nasr Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) graduated Fall 2015 MaryAnn Hilton Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) ABD Keri Haley Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) graduated Summer, 2014 Luis Perez Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) graduated Spring, 2012 Jennie Farmer Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Co-Major Professor) graduated Summer, 2011 Sharon Ray Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) graduated Fall, 2008 Tandria Callins Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Major Professor) graduated Spring, 2006 Stacey Jones Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (Co-Major Professor) - ABD Seda Karayazi Ozsayin Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) graduated Susan Sanger Miller - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) in candidacy Jennifer Tucker - Ed.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) in candidacy Arwa Alazwari Ed.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) in candidacy Amber McDonald Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) in progress Lisa Lockhart - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) graduated Tyler Hicks - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) - graduated Scot Rademaker - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) graduated Tristan Glen - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) graduated Ezzart Bryant - Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) - graduated Heather Brace Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) - graduated Anna Robic Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) - graduated Debra Helman Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) - graduated Vixen Wilson Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) - graduated Margarida Kahalarios Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) Kass Clagget Ph.D. 鶹Ƶ (member) graduated Ed.S./Masters Committees Maureen Holt - Ed.S. 鶹Ƶ (member) - graduated Melissa Izzo Ed.S. 鶹Ƶ (member) - graduated Kristen Kontra Ed.S. 鶹Ƶ (member) - graduated Francesca Perrone-Britt Ed.S. 鶹Ƶ (member) - graduated Kalen Terrell-Henry -Ed.S. 鶹Ƶ (member) - graduated Cynthia Grandle EdS (Project Director), James Madison University (member) - graduated Natasha Benenson, MEd, James Madison University (member) - graduated Darlene Ferguson, MEd, James Madison University (member) - graduated Roy Ghim MEd, James Madison University (member) - graduated Stephanie Skaskiw EdS, James Madison University (member) - graduated Jennifer Frigon EdS, James Madison University (member) - graduated Todd Obrien MEd, James Madison University (member) - graduated Stephanie Lickey Med, James Madison University (member) - graduated Mary Fray MEd, James Madison University (member) - graduated Stephanie Neuburg MEd, James Madison University (member) - graduated Michelle Curling MEd, James Madison University (member) - graduated Jennifer Monroe - MEd, University of Florida (member) - graduated Melissa Anderson - MEd, University of Florida (member) graduated Outside Chair-Ph.D. Dissertation Committees Andre Gelfuso Proposal Defense Bonnie Woods Final Defense Joshua Nadeau Final Defense Joshua Nadeau Proposal Defense Shellie Whitworth Final Defense Marie Briggs Final Defense Kate Kempker Final Defense Stephanie Mihalas Final Defense Jinli Final Defense Stephanie Mihalas Proposal Defense Jinli Proposal Defense Shellie Whitworth Proposal Defense Zhivago Adderley Proposal Defense Katie Fradley Proposal Defense Marie Briggs Proposal Defense Kate Kempker Proposal Defense James Green Proposal Defense Undergraduate Honors Theses Advisor Sarah Parker 鶹Ƶ (Honors College) Erika Derbenwick James Madison University Beth Sellers James Madison University PROFESSIONAL/SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS International, National, & State Membership (various years): American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Council for Learning Disabilities National Association of Professional Development Schools Council for Exceptional Children Division for Learning Disabilities, Council for Exceptional Children Teacher Education Division, Council for Exceptional Children Division on Mental Retardation, Council for Exceptional Children Council on Children with Behavior Disorders, Council for Exceptional Children Learning Disabilities Association of America Phi Delta Kappan Council of Administrators of Special Education, Council for Exceptional Children Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Learning Disabilities Association of Florida Florida Coalition for Learning Disabilities Florida Council for Learning Disabilities Virginia Council for Exceptional Children Virginia Learning Disabilities Association Omicron Delta Kappa - Academic/Leadership Society Psi Chi - Psychology Honor Society Committees: Florida Teacher Competency Exam (FTCE) Validation served on committee to validate proposed competencies for Reading for the ESE Subject Area exam (Summer 2007) Teacher Education Division TED Handbook Development Committee (1999-2001) Service to National Professional Organizations/Contributions at Professional Meetings: Learning Disabilities Association of America SLD Education Advisory Committee (2024-present) Learning Disabilities Association of America SLD Evaluation Principles and Standards Development Committee (2022-2024) Program Co-Chair, Learning Disabilities Association of America International Conference (2020-2025) Member, Professional Advisory Board, Learning Disabilities Association of America (2018 present) Member, Board of Directors of Florida Chapter of the Learning Disabilities Association of America (2012-2014) Member of the Response-to-Intervention (RTI) Action Network Advisory Council, National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) (2007-present) Proposal Reviewer. 2004 CEC Annual Convention and Expo, Teacher Education Division (9 proposals). Reviewer of the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) curriculum guidelines for the Professional Standards and Practice Standing Committee of the Council for Exceptional Children (1998). Focus group participant, Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children. Council for Exceptional Children National Conference, Minneapolis, MN (1998). Proposal Reviewer. 1996 Teacher Education Division, Council for Exceptional Children National Conference. PUBLIC/PROFESSIONAL SERVICE UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE/SCHOOL OF EDUCATION COMMITTEES University Committees, 鶹Ƶ 2023-Present Presidents Advisory Council on Accessibility 2017-2018 Community Engagement Committee 2016-2018 Student Success Committee 2016-2018 Associate Deans Committee 2014-2016 Faculty Senate 2013-2014 USF-Promethean World Partnership Faculty Steering Committee 2012-2013 Chair, STEM Education Research Group 2010-2011 Student Fee Committee 2007-2011 Faculty Committee on Admission of Student Athletes (FCASA) - Chair 2007-2011 Admissions Review Committee 2003 Admissions Review for Students with Learning Disabilities Committee College of Education Committees, 鶹Ƶ 2024-Present Chair, Faculty Policy Council Ad Hoc Committee on Workplace Harrassment 2024-Present Chair, Faculty Policy Council Workgroup on Faculty Advisory Budget Standing Committee 2024-Present COEDU Faculty Advisory Committee to the Provost 2022-Present Member, Faculty Policy Council 2022-2024 Chair, Faculty Policy Council 2021 Research Infrastructure Ad Hoc Committee (Faculty Policy Committee) 2016-2018 USF Student Success Committee 2017-2018 USF Community Engagement Committee 2016-2018 Mort Elementary Community School Cabinet 2016 Recruitment and Retention Committee 2015-2018 Educator Preparation Committee 2015-2018 Field Experience Committee 2014-2015 Faculty Council (Vice Chair) 2014-2016 Anchin Center Internal Advisory Committee 2013-2015 Lead faculty for USF College of Education-Promethean World Partnership 2013-2014 Teacher Education Doctoral Program Development Committee 2013 Annual Review Ad Hoc Committee 2013 Elementary Mathematics Education Faculty Search Committee (reconvened) 2012-2015 COEDU Inquiry Conference Planning Committee 2012 2014 Tenure and Promotion Committee 2012 Elementary Mathematics Education Faculty Search Committee 2010-2011 iTeach Fellow Advisory Committee 2007-2008 Faculty Council (Vice-Chair) 2007 Faculty Panelist Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Panel, New Faculty Mentoring Program, COEDU-USF (Various) Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award Selection Committee 2005-2006 College Council (2006-Vice Chair) 2004-2008 Executive Laptop Initiative Committee 2004 Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award Selection Committee 2003-2005 College of Education Conceptual Framework (NCATE) Committee 2004 College of Education Dispositions Committee 2005 Graduate Program Committee 2002 Math Education Assistant/Associate Professor Search Committee 2001-2004 Undergraduate Program Committee 2001-2002 CRPC Committee 2003 Ad-Hoc Field Experiences Committee Department of Special Education/Teaching and Learning/Language, Literacy, Ed.D., Exceptional Education, & Physical Education Committees, 鶹Ƶ 2022-Present Tenure and Promotion Committee (Chair in 2023) 2021 Annual Review Ad Hoc Committee 2021-2022 Annual Review Committee 2020-present Governance Committee 2020-present Institutional Review Board Committee - Chair 2014-2015 Special Education Programs Coordinator 2015-2016 Undergraduate Program Co-Coordinator 2014-2015 Doctoral Program Coordinator 2014-present Program Coordinators Leadership Committee 2005-present Undergraduate Program & Teacher Education Committees 2001-present Standards Committee 2001-present Doctoral Committee 2002-2010/ 2012-present Annual Review Committee 2006-2008 USF Dept of Special Education-Pasco County School District Committee 2004-2008 USF Dept of Special Education-Hillsborough County School District Committee 2005-2006 USF Dept of Special Education NCATE Field Experience Committee 2005-2006 Field Experiences Committee 2004-2005 Gifted/Talented Assistant Professor Search Committee (Chair) 2001-2005 Undergraduate Program Committee (Chair) 2004 Program Leadership Committee 2002-2003 Gifted/Talented Assistant Professor Search Committee (Chair) University Committees, James Madison University 2000- 2001 Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Educational Program Committee 2000 2001 Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies Major Mathematics Core Committee 1998-2000 Faculty Senate Alternate for the School of Education 1995 - 1997 Student-Athlete Faculty Advisory Committee. College of Education & Psychology, James Madison University 2000-2001 Field Experiences and Clinical Practice Committee, TECC-subcommittee 1997-1999 Teacher Education Unit NCATE Accreditation Committee 1997-1998 Student Task Force for NCATE Visit - Chair 1997-1998 College of Education and Psychology Honors Brunch Committee 1996-1998 NCATE Accreditation Committee, Teacher Education Unit, College of Education and Psychology. 1996-1997 Augusta County/James Madison University Partnership Curriculum Development Committee: Algebra 1 & Geometry course. 1996-1997 Human Development Center Academic Program Review Committee 1995-1996 Child Development Center Educational Consultant Search Committee 1995-1997 Human Development Clinic Self-study Committee. School of Education, James Madison University Mathematics Faculty Search Committee Reading Faculty Search Committee Mathematics Faculty Search Committee 1998-1999 School of Education Program Review (APR) Committee 1997-1998 Mathematics Faculty Search Committee 1997-1998 MEd. Core Development Committee 1997-1998 MEd. Transition Committee 1997-1998 Chair, Special Education Faculty Search Committee 1996-1997 Student Requirements Committee (Revised Masters Program) - Chair 1996-1997 Changing Context in Schools Course Outline Committee MEd. Core Program 1996-1997 School of Education Colloquium Committee 1996-2001 School of Education Revised Masters Advisory Committee 1996-1997 Student Requirements Committee for Revised Masters Program, School of Education Chair. 1996-1997 Core Committee for Revised Masters Program, School of Education. 1995-1997 School of Education Multicultural Faculty Information Committee. University Committees, University of Florida 1993-1995 Human Subjects Review Board. Reviewed research proposals for the social sciences and education to determine whether they met appropriate standards & assisted researchers to improve proposals. College of Education, University of Florida Faculty Search Committee, Severe/Profound Disabilities. President, Special Education Graduate Association. Organized and presided over bi-weekly meetings as well as provided general leadership to organization composed of doctoral and masters level students. STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Student Organization Advising 1999-2000 Co-Advisor, Habitat for Humanity. *Co-advised with Dr. Cheri Beverly. Chapter completed building second Habitat House. James Madison University 19981999 Advisor, Habitat for Humanity. *Attended bi-weekly meetings of the Board of Directors as well as periodic meetings of the Central Valley Habitat for Humanity Chapter with which the James Madison University student chapter worked closely. Assisted the Board in planning for building the chapters second Habitat House. 1996-1999 Co Advisor, Student Council for Exceptional Children. *Attended monthly meetings. 19971999 Advisor, Best Buddies James Madison University Chapter. *I assisted students to obtain their initial charter for a Best Buddies chapter. During these two years, the JMU Chapter was the second largest chapter in the Eastern United States. Attended bi-weekly meetings of the executive board and general membership. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE - OTHER Consulting Editor/Invited Reviewer Peer Reviewed Journals Remedial and Special Education (RASE) Teacher Education in Special Education (TESE) The Journal of Education The Journal of Special Education (JSE) invited reviewer PRISM: A Journal of Regional Engagement invited reviewer Learning Disabilities Quarterly invited reviewer National Program Co-Chair, 2020 Learning Disabilities Association International Conference Professional Advisory Board for the Learning Disabilities Association of America National Advisory Council for the RTI Action Network (National Council for Learning Disabilities) - Member Nominated for the position of Treasurer of the Division for Learning Disabilities, Council of Exceptional Children State Associations Board of Directors of Florida Learning Disabilities Association Member Florida Advocacy Coalition for Learning Disabilities - Member University Related I have served as external reviewer for multiple faculty going up for tenure and promotion at other universities. Consultation with the Associate Athletic Director for Academics at the 鶹Ƶ regarding ways that her program can better address the needs of student athletes with learning disabilities, deafness, and other learning difficulties (2007-2013). Reviewed proposal for an endowed Center, The Palmer Institute, College of Education & College of Journalism, University of Florida (1999). Panelist for the Educational Leadership Programs (James Madison University) oral examinations (1996-1997). Coordinated pilot strategy training tutoring program for Athletic Department for student athletes with learning difficulties at James Madison University. Provided training and supervision for area public school teachers who served as tutors. Wrote a proposal at request of the Athletic Department to fund a comprehensive strategy training intervention program for student athletes with learning disabilities and ADHD. (Spring & Summer, 2000). Community Service Board of Directors (Vice-President) Pepin Academies, Tampa, FL Volunteer for Metropolitan Ministries (2011) Board of Directors Carl Sagan Charter Middle School (Tampa, FL) Carl Sagan Academy Charter Middle School (Tampa, FL) Implemented experiential learning while working with a group of African American adolescents to develop a documentary expressing their voice about issues related to themselves and their community. Carl Sagan Academy Charter Middle School - Provided curriculum development/differentiated instruction in-service professional development for teachers and administrators. Planning/professional development with school teachers and administration (2 days 2007) School Advisory Committee Pride Elementary School, School District of Hillsborough County (2007) Community Coalition (Tampa, FL) a community grass-roots organization composed of nine different communities in the east Tampa area formed to advocate for and develop resources for children and families. I collaborated with the coalition related to needs they have regarding educational issues and assistance (2006) School Advisory Committee Seminole Heights Elementary School, School District of Hillsborough County (2002-2004) Starlight Board of Directors a parent organization for families who have children with autism (1997-1998), Shenandoah Valley Region, Virginia. Director of Educational Fundraising, Fundraising Cabinet Member, United Way of Marion County, Ocala, FL. (1991) President & Founding Member, Board of Directors, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Ocala, Inc., Ocala, FL (1989) Member, Board of Directors, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Ocala, Inc., Ocala, FL (1989-1991). Construction Volunteer, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Ocala, Inc., Ocala, FL (1989-1991) Chairman, Steering Committee, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Ocala, Inc., Ocala, FL (1988) President, Board of Directors, Interfaith Emergency Services, Ocala, FL (1988) Member, Board of Directors, Interfaith Emergency Services, Ocala, FL (1986-1988)     David H. Allsopp PAGE  PAGE 2 3/5/25 Revised 2.19.19 )>Zjk   ' * . / ] κo`N`````Zj  ' * ^ u  J^ `J ^ & F31$gd-u/$$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQa$$a$gdn$a$gdn$a$$a$gd)p ] ^ _ u v  M U W p ұҢ~l[ hrh9|~6B*CJaJph#hrh-u5B*CJ\aJph#hrh)p56B*CJaJph#hrh-u56B*CJaJphhrh)pB*CJaJphhrhB*CJaJph#hrht(56B*CJaJphhrht(B*CJaJphhrhu B*CJaJphhrh-uB*CJaJph W p = > `^``gda `^``gd\/$$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQa$$a$  J^ `Jgdt(  J^ `J < = > B H I P  Y Z d   νν}}}n]]NhrhIB*CJaJph hrhI6B*CJaJphhrh)pB*CJaJph hrh)p6B*CJaJph hrh6B*CJaJphhrhB*CJaJphhrhB*CJaJph hrh\6B*CJaJph hrhNVA6B*CJaJph hrh9|~6B*CJaJphhrh9|~B*CJaJph Y Z   > ? MN'(9: @ ^@ `gd(g `^``gd `^``gd-u `^``gd9|~ `^``gdI `^``gda   = > ? 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