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Easy Ways to Earn PDUs for PMP Recertification
Congratulations! You’ve passed your PMP exam and you’re officially a certified Project Management Professional. You should celebrate this accomplishment and all the hours that went into it. Once you’re done celebrating, ensure that you don’t have to study for this test again by preparing for your PMP recertification.
May 18, 2021Project Management

Moving From Traditional to Digital Marketing
The process of moving from traditional to digital marketing may feel a little overwhelming, particularly if you’re new to the game. There’s a dizzying array of options, and new platforms, tools, and tactics seem to pop up every day.
May 11, 2021Sales and Marketing

Benefits of PMP Certification vs Alternate Certifications
The Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification is the preeminent professional credential for project managers. That’s a bold statement to open this article with, but I’m hoping it’s compelling enough to make you keep reading.
May 4, 2021Project Management

Remote Hiring and Onboarding Now in Play
While the economy recovers and—as a result—hiring numbers increase, social-distancing efforts remain in place in many work settings to mitigate the pandemic’s infection rate. Large numbers of employees—used to the usual Monday-Friday office routine—operate, for now, from home.
April 29, 2021Leadership and Management

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Changing Careers
If you feel stuck in a dead-end job you despise, it’s natural to have an overwhelming desire to get out. The mistake too many people make is making a career leap without looking to see where they’ll land first.
April 13, 2021Professional Development

Employee Engagement — Getting it Right From the Start
Meaningful employee engagement begins the moment personnel are hired. The concept of onboarding has evolved in the workplace. Not so long ago, it consisted of a day or two of filling out paperwork, a tour of the premises, and co-worker introductions.
March 26, 2021Leadership and Management

Continuous Process Improvement: Why Your Business Needs It
When you’re juggling a million daily tasks, it’s tempting to think continuous process improvement in business is a nice-to-have goal instead of essential work.
March 23, 2021Process Improvement

Managers Guide: How to Help a Grieving Employee
As a manger, you can’t lessen the grief your employees feel, but you can take some important steps that will help them during their recovery from traumatic events in their personal lives.
March 16, 2021Leadership and Management

6 Paralegal Jobs That Aren't in Law Firms
If you’re considering a career as a paralegal, chances are you’ve envisioned your days racking up billable hours and case wins in a successful law firm (à la Rachel Zane on the legal TV drama, Suits). It’s a popular stereotype, but you should know that it’s not your only option.
March 9, 2021Paralegal

What to Do When You're Bored With Your Job
Does the thought of clocking in for work stir up about as much excitement as a trip to the DMV? Figuring out what to do when you’re bored with your job can be difficult, particularly when you’ve spent years working to get to your current position.
March 2, 2021Professional Development

Employee Engagement Past and Present: More in Common Than Different
Some of my most treasured memories have been impromptu talks with co-workers in the hallway—or in the break room as I waited for my food to come out of the microwave. These types of experiences go a long way toward employee engagement—an important benchmark for a leader to fulfill.
February 26, 2021Director's Corner, Leadership and Management

Continuing Education as an Investment in Yourself
The belief that our days in the classroom come to a close following high school, trade school, or college is, undoubtedly, a thing of the past. And because change is certain, it’s necessary to instill a mindset of perpetual learning.
January 29, 2021Director's Corner, Leadership and Management