Student Accounting
Programs of Strategic Emphasis Waiver- Tuition and Fees
The Programs of Strategic Emphasis Waiver will not waive all tuition and fees. It does offer a discount toward eligible 3,000 or 4,000-level undergraduate courses. If granted, the waiver will cover 50% of:
- Tuition
- Tuition Differential Fee
- Student Financial Aid Fee
- Capital Improvement Fee
- Health Fee
- Athletic Fee
- Activity & Services Fee
- Technology Fee
- Transportation Fee
- Facilities Fee
- Green Energy Fee
- Pro-rated Flat Fees (calculated as a per credit rate based on total registered hours)
- Distance Learning Fees
- Lab Fees, Material & Supply Fees, and Equipment Fees
This list includes some of the tuition and fees that are not covered by the waiver.
It is not a comprehensive list of all the fees that are not eligible.
- 1000 to 2999 (lower level) undergraduate courses tuition and fees
- Graduate level courses tuition and fees
- Tuition and fees for any self-funded or market rate course
- Tuition and fees covered by any other waiver
- Excess hours surcharges
- Repeat course surcharges
- Late registration fees
- Late payment fees
- Fees for books and supplies
- Other non-tuition related fees not explicitly stated in applicable tuition and fees list
Policies for the Programs of Strategic Emphasis Waiver are maintained by the Board of Governors of the State University System.