Robert Fowler

Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., Psychology, University of Tennessee
Statistical methodology, magnitude of experimental effects, meta-analysis.
The development of an operational definition of scientific significance using Cohen’s benchmarks of standardized effect size. An examination of the empirical literature in applied psychology to measure compliance over time with APA Publication Manual recommendations for the reporting of effect sizes. A comparison of the accuracy of various methods used to calculate appropriate confidence limits on correlation ratio parameters.
Fowler, R.L., & Odgaard, E.C. (2009). Confidence intervals for correlation ratios in fixed-effects ANOVA and fixed-score regression: Accuracy versus simplicity in choosing a reporting method. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Odgaard, E.C., & Fowler, R.L. (2008). The reporting of appropriate effect sizes and their confidence intervals in four psychology journals from 1995 to 2007. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Fowler, R.L., Hilliard, V.D., Brett, J.W., & McLaughlin, K.V. (2003, March). Using confidence limits on correlation ratios for detecting scientific significance. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.